Monday, November 6, 2023

Church Service

Disappointed a little that the 10:30 a.m. service wasn't online (I really do love the All Saints Service) but the music was lovely for the All Souls Requiem Eucharist Service in the afternoon. I always think about sending in my names but I am quite content with my anonymity and can just add the names of my grandparents, parents, brothers and my husband Edward on my own at home during the service. 

Good accomplishment with the Siderfin Book and will continue and perhaps this week finish the 11th Generation. It is slow going as I am pulling out all the footnoting details from the original sources once again. That way I can correct any errors that I may have made way back when I was a novice one-name researcher although not finding too many in actual fact but it is good to check. 

I shall try to keep on track this week so that I do not become overwhelmed by all the crises in the world and spend hours thinking about that, praying for all those children and adults who have suffered. If only Hamas had never attacked Israel none of this would have happened; they are entirely responsible for every death that has occurred. Same goes for Hezbollah they are attacking Israel so they are responsible for every death that results from their attacking Israel. A woman with her father in Gaza came on one of the CBC news shows and I must admit I contemplated what I would have done. I, of course, have no experience with such things but my first thought was that I would try for an emergency visa and fly to Egypt, hire a fisherman and get my father to meet me by the Mediterranean Sea or any other close waterway and take him away from all of that on the 8th of October or as soon as possible. But I, of course have no experience with such things just the memory that when my mother told me on our usual Sunday call that my father was not doing well after influenza we came that next weekend (it was just before Christmas and of course the weather never is on your side) to see him and he died just a few days after we were there. It didn't matter that it took us much longer to get there and the return trip was dreadful what needed to happen was that we were there to say goodbye (I spent all day with him in the hospital/long term care and occasionally he knew that I was there but the girls got to say goodbye to Grandpa as they were old enough for that). But it is probably simplistic on my part but I do not think I could sit here thousands of miles away and do nothing except ask others to do the job that I needed to be done. But it is very sad. I missed my Dad and still do but as we talked about Grandpa (his father) his eyes shone at the prospect of being with his parents once again. I was remembering that day as I sat with him a few years earlier a short time before he was hospitalized he woke up in the night when we were there and lost his way so I took him back to his room and saw him back into his bed and sat with him for an hour or so until he calmed once again and was off to sleep (my mother was away that night staying with one of the grandchildren while my brother and his wife were away) . He was 94 years, four months and ten days of age when he journeyed through the veil to be with the ages.

Cleaning day today and it is the larger cleaning day so will be mostly that being done and not the book. But Tuesday I should get some done on the book. 

Winter is certainly settling in and snow is promised this week once again. Breakfast.



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