Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Diversity and its place in Canada

 I think as a country Canada is a great place to be and that is speaking from the viewpoint of a first generation Canadian - my father was born in England (and everyone else so far that I have traced back except for my mother, her father and his mother who were born in Canada as was I). But in the 70s I was not a supporter of Pierre Trudeau and never voted for him. To me, diversity means that if you still want to eat Yorkshire Pudding every Sunday then that is what you can do. It doesn't mean that you get to parade up and down the streets waving foreign flags and chanting lines that are clearly in favour of annihilating a people. That isn't diversity; that is taking advantage of a country that is open to immigration. I am definitely and always have been against that type of demonstration. Keep it in your backyard and I will not complain but take it to the streets and I believe you should be arrested. You are disturbing the peace. 

However, I have also supported the First Peoples (in my mind I am not a person who marches as I think it doesn't help) as they have made themselves more active in protecting what is in fact their right. They were here when the explorers/settlers arrived. This is their country and they shared some parts with us through the treaties. We must continue to honour those treaties and personally I want them to be more prominent in our society and that is happening. We have a First Peoples Governor General and now one of the Premiers of a Province is descendant of the First Peoples. They know the land and we need to listen to their thoughts on how to manage this country. They managed it for thousands of years. We need them to be on the side of Canada and I am sorry that it isn't called Turtle Island but we, in our ignorance of your languages, misunderstood. I do not know the correct words for Turtle Island in the original languages. But I do think it is fun to know that; I would love to know so much more about the First Peoples and did find it fascinating when I was in High School and students used to come from the Munsee-Delaware Nation as it is now known. But I was a shy child and watched as I normally do rather than make any attempt to know them. That was true of everyone around me actually except for my six siblings. Let them manage/own the pipeline when it is finished; they talk in terms of a fifty year plan not four years and they wont sell it; they will manage it for Canada because that is the kind of people they are. Canada is their home and it is mine as well as English as I am. 

I am troubled that some people especially in our universities and other people type services are Hamas and they are here to generate hatred so that this Hemisphere becomes convulsed in war; that is what they do. Hamas and their ilk believe only Islam should survive and are committed by their very lives to see that happen. The Creator is our Father and the Earth our mother and that has been the creed of many ancient peoples of the world and why do they use the same word; because they are the same all over the world. There is only one God; one Mother Earth. Life can be a loyalty test and how you live it. Diversity only works if you keep it to your close family life. I did find it interesting walking at Petrie Islnd all summer the number of families that gathered on the beach to enjoy their own cultures and I think it is lovely so long as it can remain a peaceful happening. It can if we eliminate the people from our county who are not interested in peace. Being with your family is a pleasant thing to do but if you fly a non-Canadian flag I think you should have to get a permit and personally I do not believe in non-Canadians flags on other then you own backyard. There are lots of Canadian flags both ancient and current that belong to Canada and Canadians.

What we do not need is people bringing their hate here and marching on our streets. Be Canadian and enjoy your diversity at home. It does not belong in the public spaces of Canada and that includes our schools. In our schools you are Canadian or why are you here? Think about it the next time you pick up a foreign flag and demonstrate on our streets. We can read the news; watch it play by play as it occurs around the world. You are not helping anybody especially not the people you are marching about. They need to do something for themselves. Get rid of the oppressors; the ones who use them. The Palestinians voted them in (reminder that Hitler was voted in; Hamas is dangerous as is Putin but that is another story). Form a government; be at peace with their neighbours Egypt and Israel. Neither of them want what is happening; it is a product of Hamas (and the other groups apparently according to Hamas like Islamic Jihad). These people are Satanists and they are not respectful of human life. Look at what they have done to those hostage children and adults; they are coming back frail and a shadow of their former selves. They will recover; children are like that but Hamas has taught them to hate; something children are actually free of - that is an adult quality when they do express it. If all the over ten year olds of this world died of some disease spontaneously the younger children would survive; they would get along because they need each other to survive. They would greet strangers as someone new to know because there wasn't an adult there to teach them otherwise. So diversity in the home if you need that crutch but in the world of Canada no diversity we are all Canadians - no more foreign flags in our streets (and I do have very great respect for the Flag of Israel they have suffered more than any people on present day earth). 

A research day; eyes are rested time to finish the 12th generation. It is funny really as I am very sure my Grandfather had far more than 12 names going back into time so it is but a small fraction of what he used to say to me and perhaps one day I will be able at least to get back to the John Blake who lived in the Andover area in the early 1300s. It had this rhythm of speech  as he used to say the names going back through time. I learned by rote very much as a child and just thought I would always remember probably but life moved on and the pain of losing my grandpa was such that I tried not to think about him for a few years and some things were lost. It was from him that I learned that God was my best friend. God is very demanding of His people and He wants peace. He expects us to care for the world and for each other.

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