Friday, November 10, 2023

My Eyes

My eyes are not particularly simple with strabismus in both and astigmatism in both. Now a days a baby born with my eyes would likely be operated on I think; no ideas on that actually. Certainly Dr Dyson tried everything working on my eyes; I have no memory of not going to him since I started wearing glasses when I was one. In those days it was rare to see a child so young with glasses (and the lenses were huge and glass). Plus he did do surgery but said it would not work on my eyes. I am assuming I have some sort of an independent thing that just does what it wants as my eyes do cross readily without my glasses! Perhaps my lens over time have forced my eyes to pick a focus point. I actually did not walk without holding on until the glasses were put upon my face at which point I stood up and walked free of holding on for the first time.

Not having glaucoma, macular degeneration or any of these other eye diseases; mine is not a disease just a quirk of production in the womb sort of thing. I came that way; it could be adjusted and was and I have effectively lived with it all these years without a problem.

There is a private clinic that would do the surgery quicker that I have to pay but I am not convinced that private is the way for our medical system to go and do not actually want to support that idea. You can claim it on your income tax but then I wouldn't be donating to the hospital as I have been doing because my donation money would go to pay for my cataract surgery. It does sound like a lose lose situation for the medical profession actually. These clinics tend to be rather ruthless with their employees; my husband's cousin (an Ob/Gyn physician) basically was fired at 62 years of age from a clinic which he created and sold to a health agency in the States years ago now. He didn't actually like that as he was still wanting to work at the clinic he created (he actually practised in the US but you can see the gradual encroachment of US style medicine here)!

But people are aging and likely there are a lot of cataract surgeries. One could wish to just continue one's life and stay away from hospitals for sure but I will go blind eventually from the cataracts and I do want to finish the books.

So the decision is made; return the call. Back to my work which is certainly getting interrupted by my need to have cataract surgery and probably sooner rather than later as the healing takes longer. The thought did occur to me are they offering a surgery slot but then I have to have 100% care available when they do my eyes.  Yes two dates December 2nd and 14th but I can not do them early December. I did ask if the doctor would send a referral to the new physician that I was referred to  to see if he does have any December times that work or it would have to be next May. That works for me but I am still hoping there might be December times that would work in my window of time 18 Dec to 24 Dec. Back to work on the book.

She really should have referred me last June when I was in and said I needed times after the middle of December and could do right up to Christmas. But no point in dwelling on it just have to see if I can get times in May that work May 16 to July 15 from the new referral. I wonder if he will respond on Monday now that the physician at the Eye Institute is sending a referral as well. I do hope so. Annoying yes of course. I had also mentioned it at that time to her secretary who did say she only did surgery up until two weeks before Christmas. Getting old I guess; no wonder old people get frustrated trying to manage their medical care.

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