Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Perils of being old - reminders for Monday

Trying to clear my brain so that I will sleep again. This is Remembrance Day and I would like to remember the people my grandfather loved on this day and not be concentrating on my eyes. 

I must on Monday call and remind the office of the Ophthalmologist to send on my referral to the new Ophthalmologist and I will give his co-ordinates just in case although that is also on his website. I have this thin sliver of hope that he might have dates after mid-December (i.e. 16 December to the 24th of December) for cataract surgery. Probably not but always a chance. There would have been a better chance likely if I had been referred on last June 2nd when I told the current Ophthalmologist that I could only do these surgeries at specific times namely after the middle of December and I quite excitedly said I could do anything right up to Christmas that would work for her. However I am not one to dwell particularly on the past personally. What I need is to ensure that my referral does get sent sooner rather than later.  I did do this the last time, call the secretary that same day in June to say I wanted the OHIP option because my lenses change rather than the fixed lens which was $2000 which my insurance does cover apparently but I would rather not add a new dimension to my eyes that might need correcting! Plus I said that I could only do appointments in December after the 15th and right up until Christmas. She did tell me that this doctor took off two weeks before Christmas but I foolishly assumed that she would have told me and referred me to someone else. Bad assumption. But then I am 78 and worked in the hospital for twelve years where I did find the physicians do quickly refer people when they could not manage their care in a way that worked for them (the client patient). Secretaries do not always know everything for sure but this time I was wrong!  

Of course the other argument for being re-referred is I may decide to hire someone to look after me when appointments start up in the New Year and the current physician, I was told,  will be on leave so do not want to restrict myself to that time interval. I did not want to use the Nursing Allowance in my Medical Insurance mostly because I tend to see Insurance as a safety net that one avoids using unless absolutely necessary. If everyone uses the system constantly it breaks down. I do not actually need a nurse I will just need a small amount of assistance but do need that assistance to be a person (preferably my daughter who is able to be here) that is here 24 hours per day. I have no idea how long it will take to recover I do tend to be a person who generally "bounces off the walls sort of thing like that over active child" so it may be quite a short interval! One hopes.

I am beginning to wonder if I am going to actually slip through the cracks and never get this done but time will tell. Being 78 is difficult in that one must manage everything or give up and live in one room somewhere in a retirement home. I would like to keep the house up for my daughter as she will retire here in the near future. It was a dream of my husband that she would come home when she retired as she never married. They did so many fun things together - astronomy, gardening, and the list goes on. I would like to keep that dream going and except for my eyes I am perfectly able to manage but do need this cataract surgery. 

There maybe I can get back to sleep now. My reminders intact and my mind free to remember those dreadful losses in the First and Second World Wars and also the wars since but the losses in the First World War were enormous for a country of our size then; the number of wounded more than ten times the number killed. The Second World War fewer died but not that much less but the wounded again were huge numbers. 

I do hope that the haters can stay off the streets today with their foreign flags and let us celebrate Canadians - it would be nice if people could leave their hate at the border of their country when they come here to be part of Canada. Bullet holes in a school, red paint all over a window what is the matter with people? Are they Hamas circulating around the world causing trouble? Hamas is a satanist group using the Palestinian people as human shields; Palestinians are far more than that they are human beings. Strikes against the Jews is a strike against the Palestinians who yearn for their own State for freedom from Hamas. 


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