Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Need to retrench a bit on the 11th generation of the Siderfin family

I have just discovered that some of the children listed in the 11th generation do not appear in the 10th generation for Thomas so I am going to chart the information sent to me. I was being a little lazy just working my way through the text but I will have to chart it so likely I will be somewhat delayed moving forward into the 12th generation. Thomas does have a very large descendant family although so did Elizabeth my ancestor. But accuracy is more important than speed for sure. So I am back to the drawing board producing a chart for this family. Eventually I will put them all into the Legacy chart but I had hoped to avoid doing that just at this time and save it as a project for the future. 

Nice to be back into this though after two days of cleaning. I do need to take some time to rake outside and will do that this afternoon sometime when I need a break. 

Raking and then back again and I can see what the problem was and all fixed but it was actually good to do that bit of charting.

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