Saturday, November 11, 2023

Remembering -

One of my earliest memories was my two older brothers waving their arms and pretending to fly in a room I did not recognize although pictures revealed to me in my old age showed the house that I lived in before we moved to the house that I best remember. When I talked to my brother next oldest in age to me he said that was the day that it was on the radio telling about the airlift to Berlin after the Soviet Union blocked traffic coming into Berlin from the west. He did remember that clearly although he said I was pretty small and indeed it was June 1948 and I would have been just under three years of age. The Soviet Union having brutally taken in 1945 all the countries in the east as far as Berlin and the area of Germany around that (earlier it was decided that Berlin was to be divided into zones at the Yalta Conference) large city in Eastern Germany. Then in June 1948 the Soviet Union closed all entrances into Eastern Germany from the Western side.  Instead the decision was made to supply the three sectors of Berlin from the air and the Berlin Airlift was born and lasted for more than a year carrying millions of tons of cargo into Berlin. 

Such memories from your childhood frame how you think as an adult. My memories were of a strong allied response to every aggression and I support that. You can not rid yourselves of satanic peoples unless you fight back. They only understand power. They are committed to destroy and have no interest in building. Perhaps my thoughts are also swayed by the adults around me who lived through the horrors of World War II and it was horrific. Six million Jews died for being Jewish. And the list goes on but that loss of one group of people was in itself horrific and a huge war crime. But we did learn in the Second World War that you can not stop Satan unless you destroy everyone that is a part of that cult. As luck would have it the coward Hitler poisoned himself because he was afraid. That disgusting individual forced twelve years old to try to hold the walls of Berlin against the oncoming armies in order to undermine the men fighting. It isn't very pleasant to know you killed a child. And more of those satanic people did die in the Courts of Nuremberg.

Come forward to the 7th of October 2023 and we see once again a setup by Hamas and their equally satanic partners to try to annihilate the State of Israel. It failed on that day because a very brave President and Secretary of State of the United States helped Israel to moderate their response and not end up being bombed off the face of the earth. It is all about hate and that is in abundance in this world. Even here in Canada the haters march on the streets waving their foreign flags (not all of them but people are easily deceived into joining a march that is motivated by hatred). Stay home, fly your flag in your backyard and write letters. Do something for the people of Palestine - they are constantly being used to incite anti-semitism. And the Jews will fight back; if they do not fight they die. If they fight they die for them life is pretty dreadful. Yet they managed to create a great wealthy country and greed abounds around them for that wealth. It is mostly always greed that drives the sickness in the world. 

But it is Remembrance Day and I am remembering for my grandfather his youngest brother's son. There were only two Blake male grandsons descending from Edward Blake and his wife Maria Jane (Knight) Blake - my father and his first cousin Edward. 

Edward Raymond Blake (born 28 Apr 1919 at Weymouth, Dorset, England) was shot down over France 18 Jun 1940 in a reconnaissance plane and this time frame marked the beginning of the so-called Battle of Britain when Britain and the Commonwealth stood alone against the Nazis forces in Europe. He served in the Royal Air Force of the United Kingdom. Along with his crew members all perished. The people in the French village where they crashed wrote letters to the families of the lost airmen and in one there is a comment that they were smiling in death; they had died trying to help the people of France. That was how they saw it. It was a beautiful letter. Edward and his wife had twelve children (three died young), two daughters died in childbirth at a young age, so I always thought there were only seven because that was what my father used to say but when he was young there were just six siblings for his father. But I found the rest when I started collecting information. The death of Edward, the death of my father, the deaths of my two older brothers (two remain) and no male Blake children in the direct line marks the end of that yDNA line but Edward (my great grandfather) had four brothers and there are many Blake male lines coming down from some of those brothers. 

But the death of Edward was often talked about in my childhood especially by my grandfather; he had only seen pictures of him as my grandfather was in Canada when Edward was born. 

So today I remember especially my father's first cousin on Remembrance Day but also all the brave men and women of Canada who accepted the challenge and went to Britain to help save this world from the Satanic Nazi forces that had arisen.  

The biggest problem since WWII  has always been that the Soviet Union and now reduced to Russia by their own aggression against Afghanistan was unable to find forgiveness for the peoples who had been forced/led astray by these Satanists. We have to forgive and forget to move forward but first we have to destroy Satan and his followers and rid the earth of them. They erupt in different places in different times but they must be annihilated. Here in Canada we did permit members of the SS to come to Canada and settle here and raise families. For those families always forgiveness but the members of the SS will go to their graves without celebration; they willingly volunteered and swore fealty to the Satanist Hitler and did his bidding. It is only with strict attention that we constantly make the world aware of the dangers of Satanism but the members of the SS are very old now and will soon be gone from our world.

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