Saturday, November 25, 2023

Saturday in God's world

 Winter is slowly taking over the Fall with a temperature of minus 9 degrees celsius this morning but it is clear and a sunny day expected with a high of 4 degrees celsius. A somewhat typical November day as we wait for the snow to come. Perhaps I will move more leaves today. I have just one partial bag of leaf and debris from the Black Walnut to go to the street. Usually I have about 25 bags of leaves but this year they are sitting on the gardens doing regenerative gardening. I think it is a great idea and involves less work than the bagging of leaves for sure. I do not mind the work just not an outdoors person unless it is skiing, running or boating. Beaches have never had any interest for me other than going for a swim in the lovely water. 

Today more work on the Siderfin book and perhaps I will complete John's line down and then Robert to come with the Thomas section (his youngest son) prepared by my cousin and I just have to work it into my rendition of Thomas which had some good points but did leave a lot out for sure. 

More hostages to be released, the young children and their mothers and the aged since we know that Hamas is not releasing the  men. The Thais and Filipino released yesterday were also a welcomed event - these people were just working and so many of them also killed by Hamas - how ignorant. As usual, the Palestinians hurt their cause by celebrating the return of stone throwers, knife wielding assailants to their midst that have been released. Educate your children and yourselves Palestinians, it would appear; such actions are criminal and have no place in a modern society. The Jewish people have as much right to exist as anyone and given what they  have suffered be gentle. Get rid of your jealousy and work harder so that you too can achieve your own state in a modern world where you are not threatening your neighbours who have a much older foothold on the land where they live and you covet. 

It is nice to have my mind settling down; it is literally a nightmare dealing with some people for sure. But then there are the people who make an effort to manage their jobs and ensure that the needs of clients are satisfied instead of going on and on about things they know nothing about. These workers who help are the heroes for sure and fortunately I have also dealt with such people making life much easier especially for the old and the young who are dependent on such assistance. The best thing is just actually to not need anyone's help! But just be able to progress through life doing your own work, working hard and diligently within your ability and then retiring and doing the items that have meaning for you then. 

On to the day. Jumping Jacks. Tea and solitaire games.

And I disagree with the poll that claims Canadians think we should be a neutral observer in the Israel-Hamas conflict. Such barbaric acts can  not be looked at in a neutral way; Hamas has to be condemned for the Satanic Nazis that they are and destroyed. The deaths that have followed this barbaric attack are totally the fault and responsibility of Hamas. For every action there is a reaction and the reaction is not so easy to look at - think of a tsunami; looks harmless when it initiates on one side but quite devastating when it hits the continent on the other side as it gathers up the overwhelming energy that has been given to it during the process. In this case the barbaric act by Hamas because they want to annihilate the Jewish people has created a tsunami that will not be stopped until the world is rid of Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank. The President of Turkey, and I do respect him, has a different view of Hamas; would that the world could share your opinion perhaps if you keep them all there you could educate them so that they appreciate that all of God's creations that have not become Satanic have a right to survive in this world. Jews, Christians and Muslims can all have a place here and those who are believers in other religions of which I have very little knowledge other than the name and even the non-believers in God. But Satanists have to be eliminated when they appear. They do great damage to our world; think back on the Second World War as the best example of what happens when Satan runs loose in the world. The great armada that landed on the shores of Normandy did not enter France gently, the losses were great for the people of France but the French Resistance kept on because they wanted their country to be free. History does tells us a great deal. I come from a country that has never invaded another country; we have been invaded several times but we have pushed the invaders back. That is the Canadian way; we should be defending Israel. Yes, I am saddened to see the Palestinian deaths but they also include Hamas deaths and I suspect those numbers are also high. No one wants to see children die; they are the fruit of the future. Palestinians abandon Hamas; expose Hamas like they exposed the infants in the hospital who should have been cuddled in their mother's arms. If what you want is your own country and it does not include the land that Israel has been on for thousands of years then you will have to fight Hamas to have it. They use you to try and kill the Jewish people. That is their reason for existence.

Glory to Ukraine as well as they fight against the Satanic Nazi Putin and his enablers.

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