Saturday, November 25, 2023

What is it that Hamas wants to remove in the empty trucks as they roll back into Egypt?

I suspect that is the question uppermost in the minds of Israel and probably Egypt too, what is it that Hamas wants to remove from North Gaza in the empty trucks as they roll back into Egypt? But if Hamas breaks this truce by not releasing the next set of hostages one does not know what will happen when midnight passes in the Middle East. Release the hostages Hamas. People can come down from North Gaza; no one is stopping them. It is only five miles apparently. I run nearly that far every day and I am 78. The people in South Gaza are busy shopping and storing up what they can for the next barrage to come. Hamas is responsible for all the deaths; all the discomfort that is happening to the people of Gaza. Hamas and Hamas alone. They are wicked Satanic people; at least the ones in Gaza I can only take the word of the President of Turkey that these people are different from that in his country. We, looking in from the Western Hemisphere, can only see the suffering that the Palestinians are overwhelmed by and the suffering of the Israeli people as they wait for their hostages to return to them. But we know Hamas is responsible for both.

It is all about show where Hamas is concerned. We may have only seen people who are in good shape as the Red Cross has still not seen the other hostages as far as we know; no news on that. Who is breaking the truce Hamas?, you are.

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