Thursday, November 2, 2023

Snow Tires on

Everything done now to prepare for winter; the snow tires are on. Mind you I scarcely drive it myself in the winter. Just groceries mostly; I am pretty much a hermit all the time in the winter and mostly the rest of the year. But my children do drag me out on occasion to do things. Yesterday I had forgotten that the students were collecting canned goods so had to rummage about to find the ones I had thought about giving to them. Scarcity of such things as I only keep groceries to suit myself but these two were something that I hadn't planned on using right away so worked out very well (canned tomatoes and tuna). They do not actually go together but both are good food Hopefully everyone on the street gave them two cans as that would have been a lot of cans/boxes; this is a long street. Amazing how much everything costs now. When I was young a quarter would buy a quart of milk and a loaf of bread but now I am not sure a quarter actually buys anything now! When we were married in 1966 $15 a week bought groceries for two and we ate very well. Well Edward did used to say I could pinch a penny and make it grow but that was just a joke but I am pretty stingy as a person although do have favourite places for giving. Church I tithe what is my part of the income and the part that is Edwards I donate as he wanted. I did double the amount to the Ottawa Branch of the OGS (now Ontario Ancestors) since it goes to the library and I am a great believer in libraries. I went very faithfully every Saturday to the Bookmobile that involved my crossing first two lanes and later four lanes of Wellington Road without a light but did manage it. Some close calls for sure (people speeding as I always gave it a measure of the eye) but it was sort of funny when my younger brother wanted to go with me my mother made me go all the way to the lights to cross and take him. We could have been  quicker just doing it my way but I always lived somewhat in fear of my mother and did her bidding quite quickly always. And I could run much faster than my younger brother. Middle children I suspect are like that and could see what happens when you are disobedient having three older siblings. Funny in retrospect. It is fun to be free of the rules of politeness and hospitality as I am not really that good at either. I do try to be polite when it is necessary but it does keep me a hermit for sure as it takes more time to be polite than brusque.

Today a busy day and no research. Other plans afoot which will also be fun. Amazing how quickly October went. I started out the month with migraines but not from my research work; it just happens sometimes when I think too much. They gradually abated through the month but I suspect are with me for a while yet; my brain is working overtime. 

Prayers for Israel and the Jewish people around the world being attacked. Prayers for Ukraine and may good sense prevail and Russia pull back to their own borders. Just because the Soviet Union tried to repopulate areas with Russian people doesn't make them Russian. They can go back home I am sure with all the soldiers that have died on Russia's battlefields in Ukraine there is lots of room for them. Prayers for the Palestinians and time to start planning on your Palestinian State whilst you wait for Israel to eliminate Hamas. A good way to occupy the waiting time for sure; I am sure the United Nations would welcome such proposals for statehood and how to manage its construction. I think one of your first charters should be making peace with your neighbours - Israel and Egypt and show them that you can have a state that respects the borders, takes care of the children so that under normal circumstances 12% do not die every year from contaminated water and create a government that supports the growth of industries so that the people of Gaza can make more than $60 per month.

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