Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The day has brought out a few thoughts

Cleaning all accomplished and the research week begins. Knowing one's history as far back as possible is rather interesting. Although my interest in my youth was purely science from a knowledge of Chemistry and Physics to knowledge about the universe that surrounds us I have moved from that in my old age to an interest in these many surnames in modern times that have created me plus the eons before that when tribal lines were my ancestry leading back to the ancient times. My grandfather had this strong belief that his people had always lived in the Andover area of Hampshire, England. Thus far I have not found anything that would say otherwise. Blake being a rather old surname and it does appear in the records of Andover area back into the 1300s but it will not be me that really does that research because one needs to do that in the Record Offices back in the British Isles. That Blake is a surname with a number of founding lines is rather interesting and the surname projects leads one down many paths.

The Yazidi people are much in my thoughts these days. I had always thought of them as an early Christian denomination and certainly ISIS pretty much destroyed the entire population in Iraq as Infidels. It is something to keep in mind as these Satanic people (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihadists ISIS and others like them) destroy any peoples who do not fit into their decision on who can live in this world. These Satanic people must be put somewhere so that the world is protected from them and we can have peace. The really deep thought this day is Iran the only one funding them? It is a mystery we must resolve for our own existence. But minds much greater than mine are on that for sure and the thought passes from my brain. And it must not be us funding our own demise thinking we are helping in this case the Palestinian people. There must never again be any way for satanists like Hamas to terrorize the Israeli people; murder Israeli babies in their cribs and kill/rape/torture Israeli men, women and children in their homes/schools/places of work.

Prayers for Israel and all the Jewish people of the world. Prayers for Ukraine and perhaps in the depths of all this Russia and Ukraine will find a common meeting ground where both are content. Prayers for the Palestinian people and free them from the clutches of the Hamas terrorists who constantly use them as human shields. When the life of a Hamas terrorist is in danger then they gather around them as many Palestinians as possible in order to create a news story that blames Israel. But we are cognizant of your tricks Hamas. What you have done to the Palestinians is criminal using them as human shields. God says "let my people go."

Working on the Kipp Newsletter today and the H11 Newsletter (just one issue for this year) has now been published. My reasons for not publishing the newsletter were perhaps not entirely consistent with how I have dealt with all of my newsletters and so I will continue to publish just the one issue a year at the moment (1st of February) that looks at the data in depth and countries of origin. H11 emerged from the Ice Refuge at Ukraina (an ancient name for an ancient place) and slowly but surely took back the land around them and moved further and further afield until perhaps as much as twelve thousand years ago they returned or came (who knows) to the Highlands of Scotland where my ancestral mitochondrial line probably lived according to the work of Bryan Sykes in his writings on the early British Isles DNA - "The Blood of the Isles Database".  What would drive these people so far; certainly following the herds that they lived on would be part of it but was there also that desire to see once again the enormous ocean the Atlantic that lines the coast of Europe/Africa, no  ideas on that. But I can see the attractiveness of the human spirit that wants to know in all of that. Men and women working together moved west from Ukraina and moved east as well and once again an ocean was that the attraction that drew them to the far east where the eastern continent of Europe/Asia faces the Pacific Ocean.

No snow today on the ground but soon it will be covered and once again my country moves into their long cold winter. The day beckons.

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