Thursday, November 16, 2023

Three pounds lighter

I have now lost three pounds thinking about my needed cataract surgery. Not a good thing actually. I do try to eat enough but at best I am not a big eater. I was an extremely thin child when I was young.  

Did check with the optometrist's office but they haven't heard anything. He could be away; no idea on that. But he is probably busy. One can only think about so much at any one time and there is still a month before the middle of December. I am probably more concerned about the eye tests as they do not have a file for me at the Ottawa Hospital which is concerning. I thought all the files were centralized and the two tests that were done and written up I have not seen. I recall that the technician said he would meet with the physician but I assume it is also written down. However, I did ask the doctor's office to also send a referral in to this new physician which I did suggest could contain comments on the eye tests since the technicians said they would meet with her to discuss the results. Hopefully all of that is happening although time does pass quickly. 

Of course they could just be redone and I am fine with that if the results can not be located or a fresh test is deemed necessary. But the clock is ticking; time passes and other people need the tests too.

Doing well with the 11th generation and have reached page 9 of 14 in the first pass through as I enter the material into my file. I still need to footnote it but there are a lot of footnotes in the material already which is a great help. I go through the document about four times doing the footnoting as I must designate the level of Siderfin descent and do that first. Then I must look up all the dates in Find My Past or Ancestry and I have found the occasional one in My Heritage but I do not do European research and My Heritage is really good for that. My Huguenots came to England before the Edict of Nantes in the latter part of the 1400s as far as I can tell. Not sure why they left so early but it turned out it was a good move. 

Lunch and I must not forget to eat. That is actually a bad habit of mine; generally hunger does send me looking for food though. 

And it was shopping day so I bought some chocolate/sea salt/almond bars, date squares, cookies and that should put some weight back on me. I do not really have a sweet tooth but do enjoy these items.

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