Thursday, December 7, 2023

Another successful outing

It was grocery day and I was off early actually; I often go later after lunch but it is very variable actually. The only item I was missing was peppers as there were organic peppers but they were just a little on the light side and not Canadian and I still had three from my last trip out so passed on them. Hopefully they will be better next time.  I will buy American when we can not find Canadian but it is still time when Leamington is producing in their green houses; just maybe late this week because of the snow. I managed to buy all of my groceries and nothing from China or Russia. I have not bought anything made in China or Russia for quite a while actually. Their support of Russia against Ukraine is just cruel. If they withdrew their support Russia would soon cave and the Ukrainians would be free of all this war. 

I am in hermit time  and will be until spring comes. I would like to learn about the lenses and any possible benefits to my eyes from each one. If I have the good eye operated on first then I would like to wait a month before doing the second eye so that my weaker eye (blind according to motor vehicle) might just try and work that is if it fits into schedules of course; I would like the opinion of an ophthalmologist on my eyes and which lens would be best for that weaker eye. I assume one doesn't mix them but I would be concerned that the toric lens might be too complicated for my weak eye. I have no idea but I am sure all of this has been worked out by the scientists and ophthalmologists who have developed these lens and I really do not have time to read all of that literature and write my books. I did do some reading that brought me to the idea that the IOL lens would be better for that weak eye but it would be good to know that I have reached the right conclusion. My time frame would be mid May to mid July which will hopefully work out okay. I think all those tests should be available at the Eye Institute. Must remember to mention that to my Family Doctor. She is really a very efficient physician. I am pleased to have her. First time that I have ever had a female doctor actually.

It is amazing how many calls I get actually on my phone (long distance from all over it would appear and I do not know anyone that would call me). I still get perhaps 100 emails a day and do try to answer the ones asking me questions; others are just reading and some are items that I have looked into or am buying. But no phone calls yesterday.

I do think that the women's groups are making a dreadful mistake not coming out much stronger against the October 7 attack which killed the women and girls of Israel in brutal sexual attacks. Not condemning it puts it into this state that is undesirable in that women are unprotected. People do need to be punished for crimes against women and part of the punishment is the public knowledge of what happened and a firm denunciation of the perpetrators. I think for the sake of all women and girls in the world this needs to be done and quickly. All Women's Groups must take a stand on this issue. I am concerned that the women and girls held hostage have been sexually mistreated during their time in captivity and those who still remain may be suffering. It is disgusting; if they identify the Hamas fighters they should be castrated (DNA is such a marvelous tool!). That is worse than death for sure otherwise I would think death. 

I have to say it is difficult to have sympathy for people who are still living whilst these girls and women lie dead, sexually attacked, horribly mutilated. Many of them still young and not yet women. Their lives ripped from them in horrible ways. I do try to bring that sympathy to the surface but for people to celebrate this attack in the streets of my country still is so fresh in my mind that I can not find the sympathy even yet. It disgusts me still all that celebrating whilst these girls and women lay dead horribly mutilated and bloodied by the  actions of the satanic Hamas fighters. Seeing a Palestinian flag on my streets continues to be an insult when one thinks about the lost women/girls; the marches should not be televised;  not even reported and they should be illegal as they are generated by hate. Men particularly should be absolutely repulsed they are after all fathers of girls and women. I know  my husband, father and brothers would be. 

The reporting agencies want to impress with numbers killed but instead we have visions of women and girls horribly murdered and people (men and women) marching on our streets, waving flags of a foreign country supporting that attack. That those attacks have been ongoing for a century adds fuel to that fire. The only reason we are having this conversation is because Israel can defend itself and that is their right. When I was a child it barely hit the news but I was an inquisitive child. It cannot be whitewashed with numbers only; elimination of Hamas in Gaza will partially heal that horrific happening. So horrific people do not want to think about it but we do need to; we need to protect the women and girls of the future. We do not know what is  happening to the women and children still held hostage by Hamas. Hamas broke the ceasefire; Hamas did not permit Red Cross to visit the hostages. One notes that women and girls were raped in Ukraine as well by the Russians. Rape as a tool of war must end. That should be what everyone is talking about.

No proofreading yesterday, my eyes were definitely tired.  I did spend some time on the autosomal DNA results getting them organized by chromosome so that I can look intently at the matches. Lovely day outside actually but we are no longer having a thaw on the weekend so will put a little time into the ice at the end of the laneway or it will be there all winter!


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