Friday, December 8, 2023

Autosomal DNA Chapter completed, proofreading and indexing first eleven pages

Yesterday a good day on the book. I had to work through just how I would do the Index and I believe I have come up with a way that will work as I can just index as I go in whatever fashion suits me and then create two indexes at the completion by using excel. I would like three columns and the indexing produces only two but the actual style of the entry suits me very well. It will require some work to separate out the name index and the place index (not very long actually) but quickly done with side by side flat files. It is a while since I did an indexing project like this and this version of Word is updated from the one that I generally used but seems very efficient. Time will tell.

I also cleared the laneway once again but discovered the pick is in the shed so shall have to go out there and get that to clear the ice. Perhaps tomorrow or later today; we will see. 

The loss of those beautiful women and girls, men and boys in Israel is much more than just themselves it is also their descendants who are lost forever to the world. I do not just see 1200 people killed violently and in unforgettable sadistic and satanic ways but I see the thousands of their progeny also gone forever. That day will go down in history along with the other days and times that the Jews have been made to suffer by self-satisfying ignorant satanic peoples. Then there are the Palestinian people who play the victim when Israel defends herself (if the Palestinians killed Hamas then Israel would not have to fight). After all the violence is created in Gaza and should be destroyed there by the Palestinian people who claim to want peace. 

Triplets are being cared for in the hospital in Israel but I did not hear one word of thanks from the Palestinian couple in Gaza; it was all about they couldn't go and see them and hold them. What about the progeny of those girls and women and boys and men that was forever destroyed on the 7th of October?  Free the hostages Hamas; you are all satanic people. Cowards holding children and women hostage; old men and old women hostage and everyone else.  

The Secretary General of the United Nations spoke to the Security Council and it was online. He is absolutely right that this needs to end. Hamas needs to get out of Gaza. The cease-fire could still be there but Hamas would not release the women and children still held hostage by them in the Gaza strip. Hamas fired before the last cease-fire was concluded. They are simply to blame for everything. Why do they not get out? Because they want more Palestinians to die hoping that eventually the world will condemn Israel because Hamas is satanic determined to annihilate the Jewish people. How does one solve that? I think that Turkey, on good terms with Hamas, could order them out but they do not. Perhaps they would not go; no ideas on that actually. I do not know how the Arab world works. But people are dying, people are hungry and Hamas is to blame. It is so inhumane of them to continue to hold women and children hostage, old men hostage, injured people hostage with no medical care as far as we know. 

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