Sunday, December 10, 2023

Proofreading has reached the Seventh Generation along with indexing

 Reading and singing the Church Service this morning and before that I managed to reach the Seventh Generation proofreading and indexing. Somehow it seems like such appropriate work to do on a Sunday; remembering one's family lines. I also have organized all of the appendices now into an order that suits the text. I had just randomly put them together as I preserved parts of James Sanders' book into this current rendition. Pretty much all of his text is in this new book (footnoted as such or shown in the Appendices as his text) and that was the whole point actually to retain his text much of which was transcribed from the original documents by him and add in a genealogical listing of the descendants in as much as I was able. 

I want to get a copy of the proofread text off to my cousin as soon as possible although I will read it a second time. 

It has been an interesting two years working on this book; I did not have at hand all of the documents and that did use up some time waiting for them so will be sure to order all the documents that I would like to have for Blake and Pincombe in January. 

Being 78 is truly a gift in my thoughts as I never actually expected to live for such a long time. But, on the other hand, the psychiatrist did say to me that my health was really in my hands and that I should follow my instincts on how to maintain my health. I have done that avoiding things that would have been too much of a strain on me or simply leaving whatever it was and looking for something different to do. Nerves are an interesting thing really; they can actually make you very very ill which was a surprise to me in my late 20s. I think back on those days when I would suddenly just pass out although I did have slight warnings signals but I always maintained my vigilance when my oldest was young and first walking to ensure that any doors were always closed and that she was contained in case I did have a fainting spell. She would always come and sit on the bed with me or wherever I ended up but I always remember when she was about two years old that I woke up to hear this sort of banging as she came down the hall towards me dragging a bottle of gingerale for me to drink. She was an amazing little girl having to grow up earlier than most children with a mother that was not strong. I did not drive the car in this time period until the fainting went away so we spent hours and hours at home just the two of us in the day in a brand new city where I could just recover. She would watch for her Daddy each day as she knew that he would come not long after she awoke from her nap and they would have fun together then while I prepared dinner. Thinking back on that time I am amazed to be 78 and quite strong in health for my age. The exercise periods though I think are part of that. Very necessary to move every hour and to do my running, weight lifting, yoga and calisthenics every day. 

Hamas will not succeed in making the world hate Israel but their refusal to surrender will destroy Gaza for the Gazan people. There are 6000 Hamas terrorists in Israeli jails rounded up on the 7th of October in Israel still trying to kill Israelis at the time. Hamas should think of them and surrender. Threatening Israel with another October 7 again and again is unacceptable and prolongs this war. What I do not understand is why people continue to demonstrate against Israel. The Israelis are guiltless in this, they were attacked and the future stolen from 1200 mostly young people and nearly 7000 wounded on just one day. If Israel could not defend itself the result would have been so much worse. The world should not punish Israel for being able to defend themselves. Hamas are such ignorant satanic people; they deserve to die. Hamas is responsible for all the people of Gaza who have been killed and wounded; no one else is responsible for that.  It is disgusting that they do not lay down their arms and surrender. There is only one God; the God of Abraham and I believe He is against Hamas. There is no glory for them only the eternal fires of damnation.

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