Sunday, December 10, 2023

Proofreading at the 6th generation, 4 appendices read

Moving along nicely with the proofreading about 100 pages read and indexed now. I will soon be into the heavy indexing with so many children born in the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th generations but for the moment the indexing is just about two pages in total with two columns. I suspect it will be about ten pages with three columns. 

The size of the *.pdf document is under 5 MB so not too bad actually. Probably I will start serializing it next weekend. Initially a chapter at a time perhaps. Not sure yet about that. The footnoting may be a challenge as I haven't done footnotes for a while in a blog. Will look into that as these pages are heavily footnoted; as much as 60 to 70% in some cases. I tried to stay at 50% or less but  sometimes there was just simply a lot to put into the footnotes to make the text complete. 

We are into that part of winter where the temperature creeps up a little and rain is expected but tonight heavy snow once again as the heaviest snows happen when the temperature is around zero here. In the depth of winter when we sit at minus 25 degrees celsius the snow is very light, no moisture in it, and not so much of it but I grew up in the snow belt area of the Great Lakes and that is the kind of snow we will likely get here tonight if it happens. The winds control all of that for sure. 

Sunday again and it is the Second Sunday in Advent, my bulletin is in my Inbox so will read the service (and sing) as usual and look for a service online probably the Church of England YouTube the music is wonderful. 

Yesterday I answered the door for the first time in ages, I just happened to be there and it was Bell trying to get me to switch over but not happening as long as I live here. Rogers had high speed internet first and we have had that for twenty years now and not switching. When I move I will get whatever is easy wherever I am but here it is going to be Rogers. But I wished him good luck in his journey about the streets.I was in the midst of this big decision making on the book and had been walking about whilst I thought. 

Full speed ahead again today as I am at the Sixth generation which is Robert Siderfin and his wife Elizabeth Question and their large family. It has been an interesting trip through the time span of this family and I hope one day someone can connect the Robert de Siderfenne of the 1200s with the John Siderfin of the 1500s. Not going to be me though all of that thinking and work will go into the Pincombe and the Blake families of my parents. A couple of times I caught myself thinking about those books and pulled myself back to Siderfin but soon done and the addendum will just be a side project to produce the maps and charts that will make this book much too large too have online. Probably see it published next summer sometime. I will also work at getting the Blake will transcriptions by county published as *.pdf books. 

Thank you God for all that you do in our world and all that you have done.

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