Saturday, December 9, 2023

Proofreading/Indexing moving along

Up to Page 41 now and all the rules are set now for indexing so should go a little faster now. Committed myself to doing an addendum but can do that slowly. The *,pdf produced thus far is just 4 MB so that works well and the added text should not increase that size very  much. Two of the eight appendices are completed as well so that page count is actually higher around 50+. Feeling the end in sight is good for sure. Keeping the mind off of Pincombe and Blake for the moment to concentrate totally on this last set of details for the Siderfin book. 

All in all it has been a good learning session to work on the Pincombe and Blake books which are my first concern. Siderfin was never meant to be more than a revision of James Sanders' work but did morph into a nearly 400 page book. But it will be useful to family researchers. 

We live in the white world of winter now here in Canada. It is interesting living with all of that white crunchy stuff around us. Waking up in the morning you can see that the small rodents are still somewhat active with all of the footprints around the house. They are still scurrying about as they pack as much as they can into their winter hiding place. Yesterday I put away the last of the tools from summer, clippers and a rake and a stack of brown paper bags that I did not use to put leaves out to recycling. Instead they are busy recycling under the snow. My length of footsteps out to the shed clearly visible on the otherwise unbroken snow except for the small rodents. The ice chipped away somewhat at the end of the laneway. I may do a little more if it does get up to five degrees. Amazing how solid it gets in just a couple of deep freeze days. No wonder the Inuit Peoples could build igloos as their winter homes. 

My mind has settled once again and the path forward with cataracts is begun with an appointment in a couple of weeks time with the family doctor to get a referral to an ophthalmologist.  Vaguely I do recall my mother telling me I should think about getting an ophthalmologist again to have my cataracts operated on. She was right as usual. But I was just in my late 50s and not really thinking about that for sure. Busy working then. 

I do think that our dependence on television for our news rather than the newspaper does have its drawbacks. The visuals can be deceiving as people like Hamas use this element certainly to try to discredit the Israeli people. First Hamas does something of which the October 7th attack is just one of a continuing assault on Israel and then they sit back and let in the news agencies to film the result. War is a merciless thing especially if you are fighting it in another country because the lay of the land is known to the enemy and everything that you do will be scrutinized under the lens of people wanting to get the story that attracts the most viewers. But we must not lose sight of those young men and women butchered that day; women in particular were sexually abused, mutilated and murdered. Their future ripped from them in a few moments of time. The vessel of the future destroyed by the Satanic Hamas. It is that future that stands forever against the Palestinian/Hamas losses in this war. The loss by Israel is still so much larger in actual fact. As well people in my country, claiming to be Canadian, marched in support of that brutality, continues to bruise my mind. Their flag will forever remind me of the loss of those young men and women, children, babies, mothers, fathers, grandparents cut down mercilessly on the 7th of October. The Israelis are ancient to their lands and have a right to live there. The colonials and nomads which is in essence the Palestinian peoples including Hamas have betrayed that ancient people so many times now. It does have to end the Secretary General of the United Nations is so right about that. But the hostages must be released immediately before any consideration of anything else. Those people taken hostage have a right to life; more than anyone else. In their tribute; in their memory which includes other peoples like the Bedouin son, Israel must eliminate Hamas in the Gaza strip. 

Another busy day of proofreading and indexing as I shall concentrate on that entirely. 

Another good piece of news though is the standing chair has found a new home and will be picked up in a couple of days. Then the treadmill can replace it in the living room and my gymnasium will be complete. I still do go outside for that cold fresh air but my exercise is done inside looking out on all that beautiful snow. 


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