Saturday, December 9, 2023


 Actually I have a lot of respect for the medical students who came to do their residency in Hematopathology at the University of Ottawa when I was Administrative Assistant for the program. It was interesting to learn why they were so interested in hematopathology. There were five actually from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Libya. There was also a student from Canada but that particular time frame we had taken five international students to be part of the program. I found those three years that I knew them to be most interesting. I learned a great deal about the Middle East from them and our occasional chats. Up until then I had not met anyone from the Middle East. I had worked for an immunologist and microbiologist originally from Pakistan and that was a most interesting two years at the Medical School. So in total I worked for five years with people of the Islamic faith. 

One might say that I abhor Hamas as anyone would considering what happened on the 7th of October. The absolute depravity of their act will go down in history and be forever remembered for the barbaric brutal and ignorant attack that it was on the Jewish people although as it turned out there were others there besides Jewish. I put the attack on Ukraine in the same space because the Russians also raped women and girls in Ukraine. Any desecration of women I consider to be depraved just to make that statement and it extends to all humanity.

President Erdogan feels that we (said the West I think but it seems like an odd way to refer to the Christian world as there are Christians and Jews all over the world just as there are now Muslims all over the world) suffer from Islamophobia which is far from the case. The war in Gaza has little to do with Islamophobia and far more to do with the barbaric attack by Hamas on women and children (men as well)  that resulted in their deaths in such gruesome and inhuman ways that we just want to see Hamas gone from this earth. They are Satanic people not fit to walk the face of the earth. Generally I do not state that type of an opinion but in their case; God cast Satan into the fire and that is where Hamas belongs. 

We can and do live side by side with our Muslim neighbours here in North America so long as everyone respects the boundaries. One of those boundaries for me is regarding terrorists; I will  never accept the support given by Palestinians here in my country to Hamas on the 7th of October and particularly not on the streets of my country carrying foreign flags. Calling for a cease fire by Israel immediately after the cease fire ended by the Palestinians here was actually a cruel statement. It was Hamas that started bombing Israel before the time was even up as they refused to follow the terms of the cease fire and release the women and children. What they should have been calling for was a release of all the hostages; I found their presence on the Hill to be very offensive that day. 

No Islamophobia here just absolute dislike of terrorism and the supporters of terrorism. I would feel the same way about anybody supporting terrorism; murder of women, murder of babies,, etc, etc.

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