Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Siderfin Family of West Somerset - Blog Post #6


 The Siderfin Family of West Somerset © 2023 by Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

Fifth Generation (Great Great-Grandchildren)


15. Robert 5 Siderfin  (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 27 Nov 1611 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[1], and buried 18 Feb 1675 at Luxborough[2].

His children were:

+27 M i. Robert 6 Siderfin[3] (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) married Elizabeth (unknown) before 1656 and was buried 13 Oct 1688 at Selworthy, Somerset, England[4].

+28 F ii. Wilmot 6 Siderfin (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) [5]

+29 M iii. John 6 Siderfin (Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) [6]

16. Mary 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born in 1612[7].

Mary married ( unknown) Gyldes on an unknown date. (Unknown) Gyldes was deceased by 1644[8].

Children from this marriage were[9]:

+30 M i. William Gyldes

+31 M ii. Robert Gyldes

+32  F iii. Christian Gyldes

+33 F  iv.  Mary Gyldes

17. Ursula 5 (Wilmot) Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 21 Nov 1613 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[10], and died in 1668 aged 55[11].

18. William 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 3 Jul 1615 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[12].

Deeds, etc., relating to Luxborough. 1648-1801

Repository Somerset Heritage Centre

Reference number DD/MAL/14/1


1. Oliver St John LCJ, Sir Benjamin Rudyer kt. and John Graunt of Westminster gent.

2. Thomas 6 (William 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) son of William 5 Siderfin of Luxborough[13], yeoman and Robert Siderfin of Luxborough, yeoman.

3. Alexander Pym of Brymore, Esq.

4. Thomas Siderfin of Carhampton[14], Christopher Escott of Cutcombe, gent. and Robert Briant of Luxborough, tanner.

Bargain and sale in trust for several persons of two tenements, woodland between Church wood and Ridge ball, and Hunters Thorne (4a.), Luxborough; messuage at Kersham, Cutcombe; messuage at Poole, Luxborough; Westflorey (in two parts), mess. in occupation of Thomas Berrie, Collewell, mess. sometime part of the chief place and 25a. and common pasture on Brendon Hill[15] adjoining Leather Burrough, Luxborough, all in manor of Langham and Poole, 30 Nov. 1648. Cons. £875 10s (1 document)[16]

His child was:

+34 M i. Thomas 6 Siderfin (William 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) [17]

19. Christian 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 26 May 1617 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[18], and was buried 1 Jun 1617[19].

20. Thomas 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 6 Aug 1618 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[20], and died 1687 at 69 years[21].

Thomas likely married twice with his first wife’s name unknown (the three children Johane, Thomas and Philip are named in their grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will 23 Nov 1644.[22]

Thomas married Mary Radford on 26 Jan 1652 in Oakford, Devon, England[23]. Mary died by 1693 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[24].

Abstract of the will of Thomas 5 Siderfin (William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1): Thomas Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, deceased. Administration 4th November 1687 to his Relict Mary Siderfin and his Daughter Christian, wife of John Worth (Taunton Registry).[25]

Abstract of the will of Mary (Radford) Siderfin: Mary Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, widow. Will dated Nov 19, 1689, proved Oct 10, 1693 [Taunton Registry] My grandchild Susanna Worth, 100 pounds at age of 21. Her sister, a silver tankard and gold ring. My grandchild Christian Worth, 200 pounds at age of 21. My grandchildren, Mary Worth and Sarah Worth, 100 pounds each. Residue to my daughter Christian Worth.[26]

Children from the likely two marriages were:

+35 F i. Johane 6 Siderfin (Thomas 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) [27]

+36 M ii. Thomas 6 Siderfin (Thomas 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) [28]

+37 M iii. Philip 6 Siderfin (Thomas 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) [29]

+38 F iv. Christian 6 Siderfin (Thomas 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 2 Nov 1656 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[30].


21. Wilmot 5 Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 7 Jul 1614 in Minehead, Somerset, England[31]. In the Answer document of 1653, Wilmot is mentioned along with the comment that the banns had been read for her marriage to Robert Franke. I was unable to locate the marriage lines. Wilmot may still be living in 1653 as Robert (her father) did request her widow’s portion in the Answer document; it was difficult to make that decision reading the Answer document.[32]

22. Robert 5 Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 27 May 1616 in Minehead, Somerset, England[33]. Robert is on the Protestation Returns at Minehead in 1641 and on the Somerset Lay Subsidy in 1642 also at Minehead. No further details were located for Robert other than his father Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) mentioning him once in the Answer document in 1653.[34]

23. John 5 Siderfin  (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was christened on 11 Apr 1619 in Minehead, Somerset, England[35].

James Sanders states in his text[36] (“Shewing there was a John Siderfin at Selworthy in 1641.”) that John Siderfin found on the Protestation Returns at Selworthy is proof that the Siderfin family was at Selworthy at least by 1642. Of note the only John found in the Parish Registers reviewed in the areas in which the Siderfin family lived thus far living and old enough in 1642 to sign the Protestation Returns is the son of Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) in the Robert-Line and he would be 22-23 years of age at that time.

John 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) could have married Thomasina [Syderfin] and is the assumption that I do make.[37] Thomasina was buried on 11 Aug 1709 in Wootton Courtney[38], Somerset, England. James Sanders has omitted Robert 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) from his chart as a son of Robert 4.

John 5 Siderfin (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) found on the Protestation Returns at Selworthy in 1641 is likely still in Selworthy in 1653 since he does not appear anywhere else. As a younger son he may have been afforded a cottage to live in during his lifetime (until his father died (Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) lived at Old Knowle)) and that of his wife. I have not been able to identify a marriage for John Siderfin and Thomasin (unknown). John 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was the younger son of Robert 4 and he was baptized in 1619 at Minehead – this line does become schoolmasters in the generations to follow at Selworthy[39]. Of interest John 5’s great grandson Augustine 7 Siderfin (Robert 6, John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) had a title to the property called Lower Knowle[40] in Tivington mentioned in his will in 1762. The Archives of the United Kingdom does not reveal any property interactions for a John Siderfin in this time period. Thomasine, the mother of Robert 6 Siderfin[41] (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) married to Elizabeth Question, was buried at Wootton Courtney 11 Aug 1709[42].  Robert 6 would have been 51 years of age at that time.

Abstract of the will of Thomasin Siderfin, Selworthy, widow. Will dated 2nd July, 1709. Mentions son, Robert Siderfin[43]. Cousin Robert Siderfin[44],[45], of Linch. Grandsons, John, Robert, Augustine, Thomas, various small legacies, and grand daughters, Jane, Susanna. Witnesses: Thomas Trill, John Harrison, Joane Trill[46],[47]

Child from this marriage:

+ 39 M ii. Robert Siderfin was born on 3 Aug 1658 in Selworthy, Somerset, England, was baptized on 23 Aug 1658 in Selworthy[48], Somerset, England, and was buried on 7 Mar 1731 in Selworthy, Somerset, England[49].




Figure 10. The Pedigree line for Thomas 4

24. Thomas 5 Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was born circa 1637 in Luxborough, Somerset, England and was buried in St Mary at Lambeth, London, England 24 May 1681[51] (aged 44 years).

Thomas married Elizabeth Lightmaker after 30 Mar 1665 in London City, London, England (date of licence). Elizabeth died circa 1665-66. Licence from:“Marriage Licences at the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury at London”[52]  reads: “30 Mar 1665, Thomas Siderfin, of the Middle Temple, Esq., Bachelor, 28, and Elizabeth Lightmaker, of Great St Bartholomew, London, Spinster, 17, daughter of Saphira Lightmaker, of same, Widow, who consents; at Christ Church, St Michael’s Crookled Lane, St Mary Savy or all Hallows, Honey Lane, London.”[53]

Thomas married Ann Hinde after the death of Elizabeth and her will, although not overly helpful in understanding the Siderfin family is added in full with my attention drawn to line 23 (she has a Cousin Gould and of interest, Robert, younger brother to Thomas later married an Elizabeth (unknown) Gould.

Recorded: 24 Mar 2023

Source: National Archives, UK, PROB 11/493/121

Place: Lambeth, Surrey, England

Dated: 22 Mar 1686/7, probated 05 March 1707

Tm: Anne Siderfin


I Anne Siderfin of the parish of Lambeth in the County of


Surrey Widow being in perfect health of body and of sound and


right Judgement in mind doe make this my last Will and


Testament in manner and forme following First I commend


my Soul into the hands of God in full hopes and expectation


of a blessed Resurrection and the forgiveness of all my Sinns


through the merits and by the precious blood of Jesus Christ


my only Saviour and Redeemer Next I give my body to the


earth from whence it came to be therein interred in the


Parish Church of Lambeth in the County of Surrey as near as


possible to my dear husband and Mother after such manner


as is decent and suitable to my Quality and Condition Item I


give to the poor of the parish of Lambeth five pounds to be given


them on the day of my burial Item I give Twenty pounds a


year to the poor of Lambeth Tenn pounds of which to be


distributed to them on the Second day of June yearly five pounds


of it in bread and five in money The other Tenn pounds to be


laid out in frize Coats or Gowns for six old Men and       six old


women. What is left of Tenn pounds after the Twelve Coats


or Gowns are bought to be given equally among them in money


to be given on Christmas Eve yearly Item I give to my Cousin


Jane Knight if living at the time of my death the summe of


fifty pounds to my Cousin       Gould likewise if then


living the summe of 40 pounds to Bridget Mott my own Maid


the Summe of Fifty pounds if then living with me and five pounds


to buy her Mourning and all my wearing Cloaths Which


five pounds and my wearing Cloaths I give to whoever else


shall be my own Maid at the time of my death To Mary


Greene Widow who was a long time my Mother’s Servant


the Summe of Fifty pounds if living at my death to Mr Edward


Haberfeild of the Temple who was my Husband’s Clerke the


summe of Fifty pounds to buy himself and Wife Mourning


and something to keep in remembrance of me Item I give to


all my Servants that shall be with me at the time of my death


a Year’s Wages to buy them Mourning Item I doe give the Summe of


fifty pounds to Sir Peter Rich if living them for a Legacy Item to


my Aunt Gee I doe give all my personal Estate which is in plate


Linnen Rings and householdstuffe and my broad gold Item I doe


give to her two eldest sons Orlando and John Gee to each of them


the Summe of Tenn pounds and To the youngest my Godsonn


Lackery Gee the Summe of Fifty pounds Item I doe give to


Thomas Scrivener the Summe of Tenn pounds if then living


Item I doe give to my Cousin Gil: East of London                 the


summe of Tenn pound to buy him a Ring for remembrance of


me Lastly I doe make his Sonn my cousin William East of the


Middle Temple Esquire Sole heir to all my Estate of Land and


houses freehold and copyhold to which I am or may be any


ways intituled which I hereby give to him and the heirs of his


body but in case he dyes without such heirs Then I doe make


my Godsonn Lackery Gee heir to my Estate in Land and


houses as before mentioned And if he should happen to dye


without heirs Then to his Brother John Gee and his


heirs And for want of such Issue to his Brother Orlando


Gee but if they should all dye without Children to my Aunt


Elizabeth Gee if she survive them Item I doe appoint all


the Legacies which I have hereby given to be paid within halfe


a year after my decease Item I doe make my Cousin William


East before mentioned Sole Executor of this my last Will and


Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my


Hand and Seale this 22 day of March in the year of our Lord


1686/7 and in the Third year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord


King James the Second Anne Siderfin Signed Sealed and


Published in the presence of three witnesses John Smith


Rebecca Cleeve Jane Smith


Probatum fuit humoi Testamentum apud London


coram venti viro Willimo Clements Legum doctore Surro


ventis et egregij viri domini Richard Raines Militis Legum


etiam doctoris Curia Prerogative Cantuariensis Magri Custode


sive Commissary etime constitute Quinto die mensis Martij


Anno domini Millesimo Septingenimo Sexto Juramento William


East Executoris in dicto Testamento nominat cui commissa fuit


administrato omnium et singulorum bonorum jurium et


creditorium dicti defuncti de bene et fideliter admistrando


eadem ad Sancta Dei Evangelia Jurat Ex


Thomas Siderfin of the Middle temple, London, Esq.: Will dated March 17 1678. Proved 15 June 1681 by Ann Siderfin the Relict (98 North). To my wife Ann, George Evelyn and Henry Pollexfen Esqre and my brother Robert Siderfin, my messuages of Crodon, Manors of Exton and South Quarme (in Exton). Lands in Carhampton, Somerset and in Lambeth, Withypoole, Hawkridge, Cutcombe, Luccombe, Timberscombe and Lands elsewhere, in trust to pay my wife £1000 and £100 a year during widowhood and my daughter Anne £2000 at 21 years of age and £50 per annum and if they die the premises in Somerset to my brother Robert Siderfin his heirs male of his body - Wife Executrix in presence of Robert Darch, Wilmote Westrene, William Jordan, wife's mother Ann Hinde.[55]

The only will that I located for Thomas Siderfin, Middle Temple, 1678, was in the Rev Frederick Brown’s Abstracts of Somerset Wills.

Thomas Siderfin, of the Middle Temple, London, Esq. Will dated Mar 17, 1678, proved June 15, 1681, by Ann Siderfin the relict. To my wife Ann, George Evelyn and Henry Pollexfen, of the Inner Temple, Esquire, and my brother Robert Siderfin, my Messuages of Crodon, Manors of Exton and South Quarme [in Exton], lands in Carhampton, Somerset, and in Lambeth etc for 100 pounds a year to my wife and my daughter Anne 50 pounds per annum. If they die the premises in Somerset to my brother Robert Siderfin. My honoured Mother Ann Hinde [erased].[56]

Thomas’ brother Robert applied for a Bill to settle the estate of his brother Thomas Siderfin. House of Lord Journal: Siderfin's Bill - Estate of Thomas Siderfin, Esquire, on 13 Dec 1699, in Exton, etc, Somerset. House of Lord Journal: Siderfin's Bill, on 23 Jan 1700, in Exton, etc, Somerset. Searching on Thomas Siderfin using Discovery on the National Archives UK website yielded 31 records with twenty of them being in the time period 1600 – 1699. One rather interesting one that I had not noted earlier was Siderfin’s Estate Act (Reference: HL/PO/JO/10/1/523/1470) wherein the estate of Thomas Siderfin, deceased, was to be sold for payment of debts 13 Dec 1699. This is Thomas 5 (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) the son of Thomas 4 who was the third son of Robert 3 Siderfin.

James Sanders has a section named: History of Taunton, 1678.[57] Included perhaps just to give some information on this Thomas Siderfin. He also includes information on John Worth who married Christian and would have been Thomas’ Siderfin’s first cousin (their fathers were William 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) and Thomas 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) respectively. A book does exist labelled the History of Taunton and can be located on Google Books written by the late Joshua Toulmin, D.D. and the original preface by Dr. Toulmin reads Taunton, May 21st, 1791. I did not, however, locate this information in that book.

 History of Taunton, 1678:

The following gentlemen were first members of the Corporation: Roger Gale, Mayor, and 2 Aldermen, 11 capital Burgesses, 11 inferior Burgesses, and a Town Clerk. Thomas Syderfin, Recorder.

The first Mayor it was directed should be sworn into his office by Peter, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Sir William Portman, Bart., and Thomas Synderfin, Esqr., or any of them, etc.

Perhaps one of the last items that Thomas Siderfin was involved in recorded in the following will:

In the will of Sir Francis Rolle, of Shapwich, Somerset, Knight, 1686, proved - indenture of lease 3 Dec. 1685, between the said Sir Francis Rolle and Sir Halswell Tynte, Bart., Alex. thistlethawyte, Esqr., Thomas Siderfin, Mid. Temple, Esq. and Richard Rolle, as trustees for wife and children - B. 134 Collinsons II. 26.[58]

The child from this marriage was:

+ 40  F i. Anna [Christiana] 6 Siderfin (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was baptized 12 Sep 1675 at St Dunstan in the West, London, England[59]

25. Robert 5 Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was baptized on 27 Nov 1645 in Luxborough, Somerset, England[60], and died in 1719 aged 75 and was buried on 14 Jul 1719 in Blessed Virgin Mary Luxborough, Somerset, England[61].

In 1688 Robert Siderfin became one of the Deputy Lieutenants in Somerset.[62] Continuing in the theme of 1688 and appointments (quoted in its entirety in the footnote below) this section dealt with Minehead itself.[63]

Robert married Katharine Polkins (Potkins) on 3 Feb 1680 in Aldgate St James, Dukes Place, London, England[64]. Catherine died before 2 Jan 1682 aged 24 years[65].

Robert next married Katherine Graves on 2 Jan 1682 in St Mary Woolnoth, London, England[66]. Katherine died in 1686 and was buried 12 Aug 1686 in Exeter Cathedral, Devon, England[67].

Abstract of will: Katherine Sidderfin alias Graves, of Croydon, in Carhampton, co Somerset, but dying at Exeter. Admon. Nov 23, 1686 to her husband Robert Sidderfin.[68]

Robert next married Anne Wittewronge[69] on 16 Jun 1687 in St Nicholas Cole Abbey, London[70], [71], England. Anne was baptized 11 Mar 1657 in Harpenden, Hertfordshire, England[72], she died at the age of 52 and was buried 13 May 1708 in Luxborough[73], Somerset, England.[74]

Robert next married Elizabeth Gould[75] (widow, formerly unknown) on 11 Jun 1713 in Lydeard St Lawrence[76], Somerset, England.

The full will of Robert Siderfin was available as it was probated at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and hence held by the National Archives.


Recorded: 2 Jul 2023

Source: National Archives, UK, PROB 11/580/280

Place: Croyden, Somerset

Type of Record: Will

Dated: 14 Jun 1715, probated 22 Jun 1720/1

Tm: Roberti Siderfin [77]


In the Name of God Amen


I Robert Siderfin of Croyden in the County of Somerset Esq[uir]e do whilst I have an


opportunity and am (praised be God) of sound and disposing mind and memory


hereby revoak all former Will and Wills whatsoever by me already made and


do declare the same to be null and void to all intents constructions and


purposes whatsoever and do make publish and declare this my last Will


and Testament in manner and form following that is to say in the first


place I commend my Soul into the hands of God who gave it hopeing


thro the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer


to obtain Eternall Salvation and my body I desire may receive a decent


interment at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named and as


touching such worldly Estate and Goods as God in his mercy hath blessed


me with and are now in my own disposall I Give devise and Bequeath


the same in manner and form following Viz [a vi]t Imprimis I do Will and


appoint that all my just debts shall be discharged and satisfied and do


hereby Charge all my Estate both reall and personall with the payment


of the same Item whereas on my marriage with Ann my third Wife


the daughter of Sir John Wittewrong of Rowthemstead in the County


of Hertford Barr[iste]r I obliged myself to pay the Sum of one thousand


pounds unto such Child Children or Grandchildren of the said Sir John


Wittewrong as I and the said Ann my late Wife of the survivor of us


should appoint now I do hereby give and Bequeath unto Ellen the


daughter of Samuel Gibbs of Horsley Park in the County of Essex Esq[uir]e


and now or late Wife of John Cook of Swifts near Cranbrook  in the same


County Esq[uir]e the Sum of four hundred pounds part of the said one thousand


pounds Item I Give and Bequeath unto the said Samuel Gibbs and


John Cooke the Sum of three hundred pounds other part of the said


one thousand pounds In Trust that they and the Survivor of them his


Executors and Assigns shall putt and place out the same at Interest


on the best securitys they can procur for the same and shall pay and


dispose of the Interest thereof from time to time to and for the sole


and separate use of Mary Crompton Grandaughter of the said Sir


John Wittewrong and now Wife of John Crompton late of Cheapsyde


London for the Term of her naturall life so as that her said husband John


Crompton shall not intermeddle or have any thing to bother with


after her death It is my Will that the said three hundred pounds shall be paid


and equally divided unto and amongst the three children of her the said


Mary Crompton that now live with her share and share alike Item I


Give unto the three children of the eldest daughter of James Wittewrong


of Lincolnes Inn in the County of Middlesex Esq[uir]e by Thomas Bennett


late husband the Sum of Fifty pounds apiece of her parcel of the said one


thousand pounds Item I give unto all the Children that are now living


of Ellen the Wife of Henry Foxcroft of Calcott in the County of South[amp]ton


England the daughter of the said James Wittewrong the Sum of one


hundred and fifty pounds residue of the said one thousand pounds to be


equally divided between them share and share alike all which and several


Legacies making up the said one thousand pounds shall be paid unto the


respective persons to whom the same are hereinbefore given at such


time as is directed and appointed in and by the marriage Settlement before


made on my marriage with the said Anne my late Wife as aforesaid


Item I give unto the poor of the parish of Carhampton the Sum of five


pounds to be distributed amongst them by my Executrix hereinafter


named Within one Month next after my decease Item I give unto my


two Nephews James Darch and Philip Darch the Sum of one hundred


pounds apeice to be paid unto them within one year after my decease


or as soon after as the same can be raised by Sale of my Lands apointed


for payment of my debts with Interest for the same to be accounted


from the end of one year after my death in case the said Legacyes shall


not be raised and paid before that time Item I Give devise and bequeath


unto Elizabeth my now Wife her heirs and Assigns for ever all and every


my Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements and hereditaments w[hat]soever


scituate and being within the Countys of Somerset and Devon or either


of them or elsewhere within the Kingdom of great Britain subject


Nevertheless unto and chargeable with the payment of my just debts and


Legacyes hereby given that my personall Estate will not be sufficient to


answer and pay Item I Give unto each and every Servant that shall be


living with me in house at the time of my decease the sum of forty shillings


apiece to be paid unto them respectively within one Year after my death


Item all the rest and residue of my Lands tenements Goods Chattells reall


personal and Testamentary Estate whatsoever not herein before given


or bequeathed I Give Devise and Bequeath unto the said Elizabeth my dear


Wife whom I make constitute and appoint whole and sole Executrix of


this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have to this my


Will contained in two Sheets of paper to each Sheet subscribed and sett


my hand and Seal the fourteenth day of June in the first year of the raigne


of our Soveraign Lord George by the grace of God King of great Britain


France and Ireland defender of the Faith etc anno domini 1715 Rob Siderfin


Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Robert Siderfin to be his


Last Will and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names as


Witnesses thereto in the presence of him the said Testator Jo: Wyatt Sam.


_land Ben: Bowden Augustin Siderfin[78]


Dicesimo secondo die Mensis Junij Anno domino


millesimo septingentesimo vicesimo primo Emanavit Comisso Roberto


Darch[79] Creditor principal Roberti Siderfin nuper de Croyden in Comitati


Somersetia armigen defuncti habentis etc ad administrandium bona


iura  et credita dicti defuncti juxta tenorum et effectum Testamenti


ipsius defuncti pro quod  Elizabetha[80] Siderfin Relicta dicta defuncti Executrix


inura et Legatario residuarius in dicto Testamento nominat onus


executionis ejusdem expresse renunciante de bene et fideliter Administrando


eadem ad Sancta dei Evangelia vigore Commissionis Jurat


An Act of Parliament was needed to resolve the indebtedness of Thomas’ and his brother Robert’s Estates. (See Appendix 5)

James Sanders writes: Upon reading the humble Petition of Robert Siderfin, of Croydon, in the County of Somerset, Esquire; shewing, "That divers Lands of the Petitioner's, in the County of Somersett, are mortgaged for great Sums of Money; and he, owing other Monies upon Bond, cannot discharge the same, otherwise than by Sale of Part of the said Lands; which is not in his Power (by reason of a subsequent Settlement) without the Aid of an Act of Parliament, whereunto all the Parties to the said Settlement are freely consenting; and praying Leave to bring in a Bill, to vest Part of the said Lands in Trustees, and, by the Sale thereof, to pay off the Debts of the Petitioner:"[81]

It is ORDERED, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the Petitioner hath hereby Leave given him to bring in a Bill, according to the Prayer of the said Petition.[82]

Petition to put forward a bill to parliament on 11 Dec 1699 in London City, London, England. House of Lords Journal Volume 16 11 December 1699 Siderfin, Leave for a Bill.[83]

With regard to the coat of arms mentioned earlier: ‘There is no mention of any of this family bearing arms, yet Collinson, in History of Somerset, mentions "Arms, three cups," - Siderfin.[84]

A search for the text mentioned above by Collinson revealed the following: The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset collected from authentick records and in actual survey made by the late Mr. Edmund Rack. Adorned with a map of the County, And Engravings of Roman and other Reliques, Town-Seals, Baths, Churches, and Gentlemen’s Seats. By the Reverend John Collinson, F.A.S.; three volumes. Published at Bath and printed by R. Cruttwell. 1791. In Volume 2, Page 26 is found the following: This church has no monument; but on the floor are the following inscriptions: “Here lyeth the body of Ann the wife of Robert Siderfin, of Croydon, esq., and daughter of Sir John Wittewronge, of Rothamsted in the county of Hertford, bart. Who died May 5, 1708. In spe beate refurrectionis” Arms: three cups, Siderfin; impaling Bendy of fix, on a chief a bar indented, Witterwronge.[85]

 (Image did not load, see final book)

Figure 11: Description of monuments at Luxborough Church [86]

This particular Robert 5 Siderfin (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was referred to as Esquire (so one step up from Gentleman) and he married a Baronet's daughter Ann Wittewronge daughter of Sir John Wittewronge of Rothamsted, Hertfordshire. The article that James Sanders mentioned that the Parish Church at Luxborough did not have any monuments   but inside the Church on the floor was located a memorial inscription to Ann who died 5 May 1708[87].

To completely resolve the indebtedness:  Siderfin's Estate Act[88]

Annexed to Siderfin’s Estate Act[89] dated 13 Dec 1699

 a) 11 Dec -- Petition of Robert Siderfin, of Croydon, in the county of Somerset.

 b) 22 Jan -- Consent of John Worth, of Luxborrow, James Cornish, of Withill, and Thomas Darch, of Stawley.

The date 1699 places this at the time when Ann (Wittewronge) Siderfin was still alive. The Manor of Exton belonged to Thomas Siderfin as mentioned in his will of 1678 (pages 59-60[90]). Croydon was given to his brother Robert Siderfin in that will and Robert and Ann had married 16 Jun 1687 at St Nicholas Cole Abbey, London. Although James Sanders does mention “By one of the earlier marriages he had two sons, Walter and Robert, but neither is referred to in his will.” [91]

The child from this marriage was (I have not listed her generations as will be noted below):

+ 41 F i. Elizabeth Siderfin[92]

The will of Elizabeth Siderfin (was Gould maiden name unknown) perhaps helps to clarify Elizabeth although James Sanders does name her as a child of the marriage of Robert and Elizabeth. I tend to think I am correct and she is the Elizabeth Gould mentioned in her mother’s will probated 24 Apr 1728 and daughter of James Gould. The will of Elizabeth Siderfin (widow of Robert 5 (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1) does not have any effect on the Siderfin Family as can be seen below.

The will of Elizabeth Siderfin, (In margin, Tm. Eliza Siderfin) dated 6 Feb 1728 and probated 24 April 1728 (I believe this to be Exton rather than Exon (i.e. Exeter)[93]:


I Elizabeth Siderfin of the


City of Exon Widow being of sound and perfect mind memory and


understanding and hereby revoking all former wills by me made


doe make and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner


following, that is to say, I give and bequeath unto the Reverend


Mr. John Withers Mr. John Enty Mr. John Lavington and Mr. James


Greene of the City of Exon the summe of twenty shillings apiece


to each of them to buy a mourning ring and I give and bequeath


unto my Son James Gould (if living at the time of my death the


summe of ten pounds to buy himself mourning and as to all the


rest and residue of my termes for years Leasehold ____ its good


and Chattells whatsoever I give and bequeath unto my


dear daughter Elizabeth Gould and doe hereby appoint and


constitute her to be the shole and sole Executrix of this my last


Will and I also give unto her and her heirs all Landes and


hereditaments that doe or my belong to me whatsoever and


wheresoever In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and


seale this twenty sixth day of February Anno Domino 1727 The mark


of Elizabeth Siderfin. Signed Sealed Published and declared by


Elizabeth Siderfin the testatrix to be her last Will and Testament


in the presence of us who Subscribed our names in her p[re]sence


and in the presence of each other John Voroler L Lee Rich[ar]d Willcocks


Probatum fuit hujusmodi Testamentum apud London


vicesimo quarto die mensis Aprilis Anno domini millesimo


septingentesimo vicesimo Octavo coram venerabili Magristo


viro Johanne Bettesworth legum doctore Curia prerogative


Cantuariensis Magistro custode sive Commissario legitime


constituto Juramento Elizabetha Gould Execut in dicto


testamento nominat cui commissa fuit administratcio omnium


et singularium bonorum jurium et creditorium dicti defuncti


de bene et fideliter administrando eadem ad Sancta dei Evangelia


vigore commis jura Ex


26. Johane Couch (no further information available)

[1] Priest, Luxborough Parish Church, accessed Ancestry, 13 Sep 2023

[2] Ibid

[3] Named in his grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644 as a co-executor with his uncle Thomas

[4] Parish Priest, Selworthy Parish Church, Somerset, England accessed Ancestry, 13 Sep 2023

[5] Named in her grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644

[6] Named in his grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644 (was he the John Siderfin baptized in 1630?)

[7] I could not find this record; James Sanders lists this date on his Pedigree of the Siderfin Family

[8] Christian (Webber) Siderfin in her will dated 23 Nov 1644 identified her daughter as Mary Gyldes widow of Dunster

[9] Named in their grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644

[10] Priest, St Mary’s Church Luxborough Parish Registers

[11] Identified in her mother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will by her maiden name 23 Nov 1644; no marriage located

[12] Priest, St Mary’s Church Luxborough Parish Registers

[13] William 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was deceased by 23 Nov 1644 the date of his wife Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will

[14] Likely Thomas 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) as he was known to have property in Carhampton

[15] Also mentioned in the will of Robert 3 (William 2, John 1); 19 Aug 1627 line 19; see Generation Three

[16] An interesting document that mentions Robert Siderfin, Thomas Siderfin son of William Siderfin and Thomas Siderfin of Carhampton from 1648 and I might suggest that these two men are brothers – Robert and William with Thomas their cousin. I have not read the document but would appear to be the William-Line primarily (and is William father of Thomas now deceased, no burial information found for him)

[17] Identified in Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644

[18] Priest, St Mary’s Church Luxborough Parish Registers accessed 13 Sep 2023

[19] Ibid

[20] Ibid

[21] Will of Thomas Siderfin probated with administration given to his widow Mary Siderfin and their daughter Christian 4 Nov 1687

[22] Assumption by the author; no first marriage was located

[23] Priest, St Peter’s Oakford, Devon Parish Registers, viewed Find My Past 2 Jun 2023

[24] Abstract of the Will of Mary Siderfin, Series 106, F. Brown: Mary Siderfin, of Luxborough, Somerset, widow. Will dated Nov 19, 1689, proved Oct 10, 1693 [Taunton Registry] My grandchild Susanna Worth, 100 pounds at age of 21. Her sister, a silver tankard and gold ring. My grandchild Christian Worth, 200 pounds at age of 21. My grandchildren, Mary Worth and Sarah Worth, 100 pounds each. Residue to my daughter Christian Worth.

[25] Rev William Brown, Abstracts of Somerset Wills, Series 3, page 90-91

[26] Ibid 

[27] Named in her grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644

[28] Named in his grandmother Christian (Webber) Siderfin’s will of 23 Nov 1644

[29] Ibid

[30] Priest, St Mary’s Luxborough, Somerset, England, accessed Find My Past 2 Jun 2023

[31] Priest, St Michael Archangel’s Minehead Parish Registers, M1879/1, D/P/

[32] Current book, pages 33-40

[33] Priest, St Michael Archangel’s Minehead Parish Registers, M1879/1, D/P/

[34] Current book, pages 33-40

[35] Ibid

[36] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, Page 18

[37] Assumption of the author, Robert, his older brother, does not leave any records other than being on the Protestation Return in 1641. He was probably still living but I simply have not located records that belong to him after the Somerset Lay Subsidy of 1642 where he does appear other than his father Robert 4 mentioning his name one time in the Answer document to the complaint made by the Franke family in 1653

[38] Priest, Wootton Courtney Parish Register, M3110/2  D/P wtrn.c 2/1/2

[39] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, page 45. 1762. Augustine Siderfin, of Selworthy, School Master. Mentions son, Robert, daughter in law Grace Siderfin. To son John all his right title, interest, property, claim, term of years, etc., to one estate called Lower Knowle, in Tivington, in Selworthy, during his life, but in case son John shall die before son Robert, then estate called Lower Knowle to granddaughter, Mary Siderfin, daughter of son John. Will dated 13th January, 1760.

[40] In the 1653 Answer by Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) he mentions that he lives at Old Knowle (near Wootton Courtney) so the presence of this property in the family is long standing with Augustine Siderfiin mentioning in his will the property Lower Knowle (this will can be found in full in the 7th generation)

[41] Because I do not see any alternatives and James Sanders had a great deal of access to family material I do accept that Thomasin[e] was the mother of Robert baptized 1658 at Selworthy

[42] Ibid

[43] Robert 6 (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[44] This reference to Robert Siderfin at Linch (deceased at 25 years of age in 1714) as a cousin in the will of Thomasin Siderfin does not go unnoticed and is perhaps a proof that the husband of Thomasine was a “cousin (actually 1st cousin 3x removed)” in that her husband (John 5)’s father Robert 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1) was a brother to Robert’s (at Linch) great-grandfather William 4 (Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[45] Robert 8 (Robert 7, Robert 6, Robert 5, William 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[46] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 44 (I have not yet discovered an original location for this will abstract nor is it mentioned in the Fonds for James Sanders Siderfin’s research in the West Devon Archives)

[47] I continue to search the various sets of records that record abstracts of the wills in Somerset and have yet to locate this abstract for the will of Thomasin Siderfin. Does the information stand alone without the abstract? The 1653 Answer by Robert Sider and Ursula his wife to the Complaint document by the Franke family does give me a continuance in this line down to his children – Wilmot, Robert and John. Robert Siderfin’s presence at Old Knowle is also a powerful piece of knowledge in that this property remained in this line for a period of time well into the 1800s. I am satisfied with the linkage that I have presented thus far, the author, Elizabeth (Blake) Kipp

[48] Priest, All Saints Selworthy Parish Registers transcribed by Somerset Baptism Index (and viewed on fiche of the original registers by the author), Find my Past, accessed 3 June 2023 and T.L. Stoate has transcribed the Bishop’s Transcripts which he shows as recording the baby baptized as Robert with the dates but no parents are mentioned in his transcription. There is only one Siderfin at Selworthy in this time period – John 5 (Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[49] Priest, All Saints Selworthy, Parish Registers, accessed Find My Past 9 Jun 2023

[50] Pedigree Chart for the Siderfin Family (partial crop), from James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 48

[51] Priest, St Mary Lambeth Parish Registers, accessed Find My Past 7 Jun 2023 

[52] Allegations for Marriage Licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869, Extracted by (The Late) Col. Joseph Lemuel Chester, LL. D., D.C.L., and Edited by Geo. J. Armytage, F.S.A., Honorary Secretary to the Harleian Society. London: 1886

[53] Ibid, Page 86

[54] I added the entire will mostly because of the reference to “my Cousin …. Gould” as Robert, Brother of her husband did marry Elizabeth Gould as his fourth wife

[55] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 21

[56] Rev William Brown, Abstracts of Somerset Wills, Series 3, page 90-91 (the differences are perhaps interesting)

[57] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 21

[58] Ibid, page 21

[59] Priest, St Dunstan in the West Parish Registers, accessed Find My Past 4 Jun 2023  

[60] Priest, Luxborough Parish Church Registers, accessed Ancestry 13 Sep 2023

[61] Ibid

[62] James Sanders, 1912, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, page 23: March of William of Orange through Somerset, by E. Green, page 31, King James II. Robert Syderfin, Baldwin Malet, Warwick Bamfylde, John Anthill, a Catholic, Charles Staynings to be Deputy Lieutenants. Glancing at these answers those rather favourable appear next on the list; then come the late Deputy Lieutenants whose more decided replies make their intentions clear. Then follows a list of Catholics and Dissenters proposed to be added to the commission of Peace in divers parts of the County of Somerset, and some of them to be both Justices of Peace and Deputy Lieutenants. (Robert Syderfin is in this list). An account of Corporations and other burrows of County of Somerset who are for taking off Penall Laws and Tests, and who have interest to be chosen Parliament men, etc. Mynehead - Francis Luttrell (who will not comply), hath soe much interest there that it will be difficult to oppose him. Robert Syderfin, a barrister, hath a good interest, and John Speke if he be not chosen for the County.

[63] Mynehead is a Corporation, the Election popular; the towne belongs to Col. Luttrell, of whom we can yett give not account, who he proposes will be chosen here, except the Sheriff can improve the interest of John Speke and Robert Sinderfin (who both right), which he hath proposed to doe. In the first revision of Deputy Lieutenants in December, 1685, the following names were submitted to the King: Lord Fitzharding, Francis Paulett, Esquire, Sir Wm. Bassett, William Lucy, Esquire. New Ones: Sir Hugh Tynte,  Edward Strode Esquire, Edward Clarke Esquire, Robert Siderfin Esquire, Baldwin Mallett Esquire, Warwick Bamfield Esquire, John Anthill Esquire, Charles Steynings Esquire, to be Justices of Peace, etc.

[64] Priest, St James, Duke´s Place, City of London, accessed Ancestry 13 Sep 2023

[65] Although James Sanders has listed two children for Robert and Catherine I have not been able to locate these two children in the registers or any documentation in the records of the Archives of the United Kingdom.

[66] Priest, St Mary Woolnoth, City of London, accessed Ancestry 13 Sep 2023

[67] Priest, Exeter Cathedral, Devon, accessed Ancestry 13 Sep 2023

[68] Rev Frederick Brown, Abstracts of Somerset Wills. Series 3, 90

[69] Boyd’s Inhabitants of London gives an interesting page on the Wittewrong Family of John Wittewrong son of Jacob Wittewrong and Anne Vanacker (daughter of Gerard Vanacker). His daughter Anne was his second daughter by his third wife baptized 13 Feb 16567 and married 1687 to Robert Siderfin; accessed Find My Past 22 Jun 2023

[70] Allegations for Marriage Licences issued from the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869, Extracted by (The Late) Col. Joseph Lemuel Chester, LL. D., D.C.L., and Edited by Geo. J. Armytage, F.S.A., Honorary Secretary to the Harleian Society. London: 1886

[71] James Sanders writes the following headed by the year 1687 (bold) on page 22 of the History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset: June 13th. Robert Siderfin, of the Middle Temple, Esq., widower, and Anne Wittewrong (daughter of Sir John Wittewronge, Bart.), of Harden, Herts, spinster, 30, at her own disposal, at St. Nicholas, Cole Abbey, London, or Harden aforesaid. (A little sleuthing and “at her own disposal” appeared to mean that this young woman had her inheritance in hand and could negotiate and be married without her father being involved. A rather interesting statement in the 1680s for sure; the author)

[72] Priest, Harpenden Parish Registers, Hertfordshire, accessed Ancestry 13 Sep 2023

[73] Priest, Parish Registers Luxborough Church, accessed Find My Past, 28 Jun 2023

[74] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 16 - Anne Wittewrong, born 13th February, 1656-7 (a marriage license was granted between her and Lovet Crompton, of Eldstow, Beds, 10th February, 1684-5, which, however, did not take place); married 13th June, 1687. As below, the daughter of Sir John Wittewronge, first Baronet of Rothamstead, knighted 1640, Sheriff of Herts. 1658, created Baronet and May, 1662. Will of Sir John Wittewronge proved 3rd July, 1693; three times married. Sir John did not mention his daughter in his will.

[75] Somerset Marriage Index: Lydeard St Lawrence, Somerset, England; Bride, widow (former last name Gould), Grooms parish Carhampton, Brides parish Exton, Accessed Find My Past, 29 Jun 2023

[76] Priest, Lydeard St Lawrence Parish Registers, accessed Find My Past 29 Jun 2023

[77] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 29 – “Robert Siderfin died in July, 1720, and was buried at Luxborough on the 14th of that month. He had been married four times; Ann, daughter of Sir John Wittewrong of Rothamstead in Hertford, whose death on May 5th, 1708, is recorded by an inscription on the floor of Luxborough Church, being referred to in his will as his third wife, while he left a widow, Elizabeth by name. One of the two earlier wives was "Katherine Siderfin alias Graves," administration of whose estate was granted to him in November, 1686. By one of the earlier marriages he had two sons, Walter and Robert, but neither is referred to in his will, by which he left all his lands in Somerset and Devon, subject to a charge for the payment of his debts, to his wife Elizabeth, and made her residuary legatee and sole executrix. The will is dated 14th June, 1715. Like his elder brother Thomas, Robert Siderfin died in debt, and the widow having renounced probate of his will, administration was granted to Robert Darch as principal creditor on the 22nd June, 1721.”

[78] Third son of Robert Siderfin and Elizabeth (Question) Siderfin, Robert 6 (John 5, Robert 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[79] Second eldest son of John Darch and Anna 6 (Siderfin) Darch, Anna 6 (Thomas 5, Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[80] Elizabeth (Gould formerly unknown) Siderfin, widow of Robert 5 (Thomas 4, Robert 3, William 2, John 1)

[81] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 38

[82] Ibid

[83] Ibid

[84] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, page 38

[85] Rev John Collinson, F.A.S., Antiquities of the County of Somerset collected from authentick records and in actual survey made by the late Mr. Edmund Rack, etc. Volume 2, page 26

[86] Ibid

[87] The History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset collected from authentick records and in actual survey made by the late Mr. Edmund Rack. Adorned with a map of the County, And Engravings of Roman and other Reliques, Town-Seals, Baths, Churches, and Gentlemen’s Seats. By the Reverend John Collinson, F.A.S.; three volumes. Published at Bath and printed by R. Cruttwell. 1791. Volume 2, page 26

[88] Parliamentary Archives, United Kingdom, HL/PO/JO/10/1/523/1740, Siderfin’s Estate Act – Description: Amended draft of an Act for vesting the manor of Exton and other lands in the countyr of Somerset, late the estate of Thomas Siderfin, deceased, in trustees, to be sold for payment of debts

[89] Ibid

[90] Current book

[91] James Sanders, History of the Siderfin Family of West Somerset, 1912, Page 29

[92] No baptismal information found; suspect this is Elizabeth Gould

[93] The National Archives PROB 11/621/352


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