Saturday, December 30, 2023

More thoughts on Russia's attacks on Ukraine and Israel defending themselves from Hamas

 Russia's attacks on Ukraine are disgusting. It is a free and independent country that has done nothing wrong.  

I wish as well that countries would stop verbally attacking Israel for defending itself and help to eliminate the terrorists. The terrorists are the problem. I am sure Afghanistan would like to be rid of ISIS and there are many other hotspots where terrorists operate. Terrorists do try to hide here inflicting damage and 9/11 is still very much in the memories of North Americans. But we try to keep tabs on them and eliminate them whenever possible before they do their damage.

The Arab Nations and others have a decision to make which is accepting totally and without ambivalence the Jewish and the Christian and the non-believers as part of God's Earth along with Islam. Let God deal with people and simply accept differences in the makeup of people. Democracies are more benevolent with regard to people in particular who have different spirits as the First Nations refers to those who do not state Male or Female as their sexual orientation. I confess to not understanding why people need more than two sexes but in actual fact some people are born with other than XX or XY chromosome complement and some people feel that they are born different from their male or female designation. I find it totally confusing but if they can make it work for themselves then more power to them so long as they are productive members of society does it really matter is the conclusion I have come to in my old age.
The news reporting that it was the PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas who first coined the chants being sung here at Christmas concerning the ancestry of Jesus being other than Jewish is very problematic. I found that chanting here in Canada during Christmas to be an insult to us as a people. Why do Palestinians come to Canada? Do they come here just to try and cause trouble? It does look that way. Their election of Hamas back in 2005 who immediately became dictatorial is their own fault and they have brought all of this ugliness down on their own heads. Any sympathy that I have had over the past years or so for Palestinians has completely evaporated. The biggest monied supporters outside of the Arab world for Gaza have been the Western Hemisphere and the EU. I agree with the American Senator that no money should go to Gaza led by Hamas. Hamas must get out; I have no idea how many people that involves but that is their problem. They caused all of this and still continue to hold hostages from Israel. Hamas is disgusting. The people of Gaza are forcing us to watch their predicament that they created. The children still smile for the camera though which is rather interesting. It does lend credence to this all just being an ugly pretense. Flood the tunnels and send Gaza into the Mediterranean; the Palestinians do not deserve to keep it as their homeland although Israel gave it to them willingly and has been kind to Palestinians even caring for them in their hospitals. A Palestinian woman complained she could not get her cancer treatment because the gate into Israel is closed. What is wrong with these people? Do they actually think they can just continue to use people for their own gain? Palestinians can not get rid of their hate for Israel even living here in far off Canada. Hate is ignorant; when this is all said and done the Palestinians need to be re-educated to eliminate hate for Israel from the minds of their children who often benefit from the kindness of Israel but are still taught to hate them. 
According to Wikipedia the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Mahmoud Abbas is worth $100 million. Amazing how these dictators become so wealthy in countries that are supplied by the United Nations (which is supported in large part by the so-called Western World). I am a great believer in the United Nations but no money should go to these countries that support terror. Food yes but money no. The UN should distribute the food and make sure it isn't being sold by the dictators for money. If the UN can not control the distribution then let Israel do it or whomever has been persecuted by terrorists. The world is tired of World Wars and the Earth will not be able to stand another world war. Time to control these outliers who cause trouble. The Houthis should not be able to cause the largest shipping lane in the world to close down! Destroy them. They are endangering people's lives and God has no forgiveness for them. Why should we? They are satanic.
Just because a country can defend itself does not mean that they can not fight back when attacked and take the fight to the enemy if necessary! The International Criminal Court needs to concentrate on the victims - Ukraine and Israel and regard the plight of those who suffer because they can not let go of hate as of their own making. Definitely rebuilding of Gaza (whatever is left) is important once Hamas is gone; re-educating the Palestinian people the most important. But I am willing to leave that to the Arab world because we will soon know whether our trust in the greater Arab World is well-placed. But I do think that the Greater Arab World can better handle the outliers in their world that are terrorists - not all do of course and that is why terrorists exist. If they do not then everyone pays for sure! The world can only stand so much and we are already deep into climate change - still no snow where I am here in Canada and that is significant! Polar warming is a prime disaster in the making.  Nuclear bombs in so many hands these days can only be a second disaster in waiting. 

The watershed created by COVID-19 is creating the kind of turmoil that always follows a watershed event; can we actually survive? The flora and fauna could as well as the aquatic life but can Homo sapiens? Evolution of complicated species is much more difficult and a nuclear war would mean evolution if the planet actually survives all those bombs.
Arm Israel. Arm Ukraine.

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