Friday, December 8, 2023

Up to the Fourth Generation Proofreading

I am about to start the Fourth Generation proofreading and indexing. I have also completed Appendix 1 and will work on Appendix 2 next as it is referred to in the last chapter - the Third Generation (and the Second). It is going well. I am not indexing every instance of names because they occur many times on a page. I try to capture the first mention of every place but this family stayed close to Luxborough and just gradually moving out to Minehead, Selworthy, Cutcombe, Timberscombe. Although Robert in the Third generation has a large family the number of grandchildren is not overly significant. They are, however, a very interesting family but I know I will not think about them again for quite a while!

I am anxious to be into the Pincombe and Blake families but patience is one of my traits for sure and I will work my way through this task and get it published hopefully before Christmas and also serialized on my blog as well before Christmas. The really interesting parts are in this beginning portion in terms of who they were and how the lines flowed into successive generations. 

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