Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Blake Newsletter, Volume 13, Issue 1 , 2024 now published on the website

 One day late but now the Blake Newsletter Volume 13, Issue 1, 2024 is published on the Blake yDNA website. The first story is about my Blake Line at Andover and the book that I plan to write. It does get my brain into thinking about it but I still have several more chapters to proofread in the Siderfin Book although I do have the next few blogs already prepared but would like to get the file online before the middle of the month both as an *.pdf and an epub. 

Still no snow and must admit to some concern since it is cold and that is very hard on the roots of all the plants. It must also be rather confusing for the animal life although not actually seeing them out and about as it is rather cold. 

Time to run; the day passes quickly.

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