Saturday, January 27, 2024

Clearing ice and Blake research

 Yesterday saw a little more of that ice cleared away. I might get the pick out today and complete the task but it is mostly cleared. Hopefully no more ice for a while. 

Worked on the history of Andover most of the day. I did a lot of reading and not a lot of writing but I do not expect much in that chapter but was surprised at a couple of the sites where there was actually information on the Blake family of Andover dealing with some of the land records. 

Spent about an hour on my Latin lessons on duolingo. This time through I am finding it somewhat easier since I remember the early part very well. Where I got bogged down was lack of preparation for the learning. It is a while since I learned a new language for sure. This time I am more organized and putting more time into actually memorizing the declensions. You do need to memorize the declensions it would appear just as one had to memorize the verbs in French and German had some other items that needed special work although my German was mostly scientific German. 

Today is Pencombe and I will work again on the Pencombe family in Herefordshire. The Inquisition Postmortem request has been checked and I have requested the copy. It is two pages apparently which was a surprise sort of as most Inquisition Postmortems that I have had in the past were just one page. Perhaps it isn't a large membrane. It will be in Latin so slow slogging through that one I expect but good practice for my Latin.

Saturday once again and it is a dull day out there and the weather promises mostly cloudy. Teatime.

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