Friday, January 26, 2024

International Court of Justice

 I did watch the entire proceedings of the decision made by the International Court of Justice regarding South Africa's petition to the court that Israel should be halted in their desire to retrieve their hostages and establish a Hamas free area since Hamas has stated that they intend to annihilate the Jewish people from the face of the earth. South Africa did not put it that way but that is how I interpret their petition because basically that is what Israel is doing; trying to get their people back. Words said in a moment of deep tragedy can be overlooked just as I tend to ignore what Gazans say these days against Israel when they are filmed in Gaza. I am trusting that there are enough Godly people there in Gaza to build a nation.

I believe in the International Court of Justice and I think they ruled well with regard to protection of the children of Gaza. The adults are another case as they knew and were complicit in the events of the 7th of October (that country is much too small for people not to be aware of what was happening and the terrorists did not dig all those tunnels by themselves for sure!) and I do see them as combatants mostly because in my home country of Canada Palestinians took to the streets to cheer Hamas for their barbaric hedonistic sexual and brutal murder of innocents in Israel including babies and children. They chanted their genocidal desire to rid the country of Israel of its inhabitants and worldwide as well (and they are much more disgusting because they cheer it on but wait on the sidelines to take over what is not theirs - namely Israel). Personally I think the next step is to go to the courts and demand that this is hate language and can not be repeated anywhere in this country; not in our schools, not on our streets not anywhere and that any Palestinian be removed from a position where they are teaching our children or even working with people unless it is proven that they have not been part of and do not support this genocidal war against Israel. 

What will Israel do? Basically the court has not actually said anything different from what the Americans have been saying to the Israelis ever since the brutal barbaric massacre occurred against the Israeli peoples and that same genocidal refrain continues against Israel and is constantly reiterated by Hamas and its sycophants. The court did not condemn Hamas and I feel that was perhaps understandable as they are not a nation state (do not give them any more significance then the terrorists that they are) they are simply disgusting terrorists that the Gazan people have permitted to exist in their country and it is Hamas that has taken them down this road to destruction. But the children must be protected; too many of them are dying. Put a price on the backs of all these complicit people and let the bounty hunters have their day; best way to handle all of this. Some people love to do this line of work and when they are criminals like Hamas who can possibly care except their sycophants whom God hates because they do not follow the commandments brought to us by Moses.

It is absolutely imperative that we protect the 600,000 plus Jewish people in our country. They come first because their homeland is threatened forever by Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran terrorists. If Palestinians can not control their language and their actions here then they should go and find somewhere else to live. Their actions here are reprehensible and unacceptable in a democratic society. There is no right to protest when that includes genocidal comments of any sort. 

I remember when the hunt for Nazis died down in the early 50s and people moved on because that is what people do after a war. They simply pick up the pieces, rebuild and their lives move on and not thinking about the past is easier than thinking about it. But, and I praise God for that, the State of Israel pursued every Nazi either to their grave or arrested them/eliminated them from the life of the world. I cheered every one that they captured or eliminated. Forever emblazoned in my mind are the pictures of the Concentration Camps on the newsreels and as a child I could only think death to all Nazis; Israel fulfilled that desire that I had. No one has the right to commit genocide purposefully and that includes Hamas; they deserve to die and I hope that every one of the terrorists who took part in the 7th October dies the cruel death which they dealt out to babies, children, women and men that day. Hamas continues to hold 100 plus people hostage (babies, children, women and men) in inhumane conditions without supervision by the International Red Cross, without medicines, without sufficient food and without water in sub-human conditions in Gaza. Hamas terrorists are no longer human because they do not behave as humans are expected to behave.

But I will not judge children; they have the opportunity to do better and that is one of the many reasons we have an International Court of Justice. We have to give them that opportunity and help them along the path of life. We need to rebuild Gaza without Hamas - God would want that; he wants his children safe and Hamas makes them unsafe because they preach genocide against the Jewish people. When all is said and done Israel has the right to defend itself. Personally I like the idea of bounty hunters annihilating Hamas and their sycophants. There are lots of people in the world who need money and would do that (even their own).

I must admit to being shocked that anyone Indigenous would support Hamas. Hamas and Palestinians are exactly what some Indigenous people think with regard to the settlers to this continent.  Hamas/supporting Palestinians want to steal the land that belongs to the Jewish people who have thousands of years of history on that land. It is a strange thing for Indigenous people to support these satanistic genocidal peoples Hamas and those who support Hamas. Personally I do support the Indigenous peoples and the treaties that were signed with them but any First peoples supporting this genocidal destruction of Israel does not fit in with the principle passed by the United Nations that First peoples have rights. The Palestinians are colonials and Hamas are just terrorists who believe that only people born Muslim should survive in this world. Aboriginals supporting Palestinians/Hamas! you support your own destruction!

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