Friday, January 19, 2024

One must identify only with God

Read an interesting article saying that people are identifying with the plight of the Palestinians news recorders in Gaza. One must get both sides of the picture I do think. We are made in God's image, we humans, and as such we must learn to live with God's laws. We must only identify with the life that God has granted us and follow the rules he has given to us. Greed must be gone from our world so that all can survive. Greed is the root of the difficulty in Gaza and it is Hamas that drives it. In these past twenty years with all of the money and goods that have been sent to Gaza the people living there should now have good governance and built up industry so that they are not dependent on handouts from the United Nations. They should have created food sources on their own land so that they are not relying on food trucked in. Why have they not? Hamas and apathy on the part of the Palestinians is responsible for that lack of industry/food and both Hamas and apathy must go. I agree with the American Senator Graham that no monies should be sent to Gaza until Hamas leaves. If Hamas left this would all be over and the people of Gaza, with the support of the world, can rebuild both their personal lives and create a country but they must do it without their hating the Israeli people that has gone on far too long. Anti-semitism must go from this world. They must get along with their other neighbour Egypt as they too have suffered. The suffering in Israel since the 7th October last has been horrific as well - their people are still held hostage in Gaza by Hamas. For me the attack by Hamas on Israel on the 7th of October was an eye opener. My sympathy for the Palestinian people evaporated on that day as this was done on their watch; I can not believe that they were ignorant of what was transpiring on their own turf with regards to the attack on Israel. That Palestinian people here cheered Hamas for that barbaric day will forever be a mark against them. I feel the same lack of sympathy now about the Russian people that they permit their governance to continue destroying Ukraine and its peoples. The Russian people must rise up against that and cast out the Nazi Satanists who are destroying both Ukraine and Russia. But I am an old woman at 78 plus years. It would be sad to see War decimate our world once again. We must rid ourselves of these satanistic people who are incapable of living a life free of greed. 

Another beautiful day on God's earth and it is minus 22 degrees celsius here although starting to warm up a little. The snow that fell is slowly powdering as the arctic air sucks out the moisture.  Will the longest ice skating rink in the world open? I wonder. Our lives have very much turned upside down these days with climate change and war but mostly greed - greed is everywhere really. It is one of the seven great sins for sure. Why am I not greedy? well in fact we all are greedy in some ways but fortunately many of us do try not to be.

May peace find a way in our world and sooner rather than later. Saudi Arabia has certainly come forward with an interesting proposal.

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