Thursday, January 18, 2024

Blogging the Siderfin Book is complete

With this morning's first post the Siderfin Book is now completed. I will not blog the index as it is in the download. 

The Blake and Pencombe books are moving along. I am into the Y-DNA in both and need to do some footnoting as I do not want to leave that to the end. I can see ways to make this whole task somewhat more streamlined. I will follow them. 

Lots of lovely snow to cover up the roots of the plants so that they survive another year. The winters in Canada can be so very cold but I do love the winter.  There is something about the pristine air, the fresh smell of snow and the bird life that survives in spite of it. The huge ravens swoop down to the bird feeder and completely occupy it as they enjoy the bird seed. They are a majestic bird but that is probably also because we do not see eagles or any of the other huge fantastic birds of Canada in our back yards or indeed in this area.  The flyways for the snows and others are to the east and the eagles are to the west. 

Today the Pencombe book and I will be looking at the history of North Molton just for a peak to see if I spot any interesting names prior to the late 1480s when Pencombe arrives. I might learn about the Zouch family at North Molton prior to this time. I had one interesting thought with regard to the Pencombe family. I wonder in what capacity they accompanied la Zouch to North Molton. He was, after all, attainted for his part in the Battle of Bosworth Field. I had though the Pencombe family had perhaps supported Richard III but I am beginning to wonder if they came in a somewhat different capacity. Not sure I would discover that without a good deal of searching into the early part of Henry VII's reign. Requested a page check on the Postmortem Inquisition for John de Pencombe 1393-1394. A summary is available but would like to read the entire document just in case there are other family details.

British History Online

    Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands &c. held by the said John of the bishopric of Hereford and of others, the name and age of his heir, and who has been in possession of his lands since his death and received the issues. 10 July, 37 Edward III.
HEREFORD.     Inq. taken at Bromeyerd, 10 September, 37 Edward III.
    Bromyerd Foreyn. 12a. land, held of the bishopric of Hereford, lately vacant and in the king’s hand, by knight’s service and by payment to the bishop of 6d. an acre; and a messuage and a carucate of land, held in socage.
He held no lands &c. except of the bishopric.
He died on 13 November, 35 Edward III, about noon. Thomas his son, aged 14 1/2 years, is his heir.
Robert, vicar of the church of Bromyerd, has been in possession of the premises since his death and received the issues thereof, by what title the jurors cannot say.
(Underwritten.) Let a commitment thereof be made to Stephen de Eyncheton, (paying) for the wardship the extent, and for the marriage 20s.
    C. Edw. III. File 178. (25.)

So today I continue looking at North Molton. There was a Blake family there as well in the 1500s and I will pay attention to that material perhaps for the next Blake Newsletter. I have no ideas on the origin of that Blake family but again there were Blakes from Breton that came to both Cornwall and Devon in the early 1500s; there could be Blake coming from Somerset in the 1500s as well but it is perhaps a little early. However, I will make note of any information. 

My plans for the winter are all set now as I proceed with writing the books. I also plan to start writing the books for the Blake wills that I have transcribed and they will be by County so long as there is sufficient content to fill a file, I would think a minimum of 40 pages would be reasonable although some will be quite a bit longer. I will combine counties if there isn't sufficient detail to have 40 pages. I have the transcriptions and also a writeup when it was possible to find out details on the deceased individual and his/her family. 

Another glorious day in God's World. The hoar frost yesterday lasted until early afternoon before it lifted. I shoveled the laneway as there was just a small amount of snow (the company does the heavy falls!) and that was refreshing to be out in the minus 15. I had a hot cup of tea on my return. This snow will powder that is left and just sort of disappear. The windchills are quite low and one could freeze to death I suspect out in the open. Canada is a cold place for sure but a beautiful country. Thank you God for the goodness of the earth on which we dwell which you gave to us. 

It is good to see the UN Combat team cutting down the Youthis ability to interfere with the free travel of goods in the Red Sea.  Hatred for the Jewish people has to disappear from our world now. Release the hostages Hamas.

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