Friday, February 2, 2024

H11 Newsletter published and Kip-Kipp Newsletter in process

 The H11 Newsletter is published and I did find a couple of interesting articles to go along with the organization of the data. It is interesting putting the group together in a rigorous fashion but as I mention this is also done by FT DNA in their haplogroup section of the mtDNA group by mutation. Although looking at my own page I note this is not quite as deep as I thought it was. Interesting to see the number of people in H11a2a1 who have tested at FT DNA and it totals 157 compared to 27 in the group so about 17%. In both cases the location of the furtherest back ancestor will be the same (unless hidden) because the same data pool is used. I will continue to produce the Newsletter as it does give access to the Statistics and I do a slightly different style of laying out the results. 

The Kip-Kipp Newsletter will talk about the yDNA results only and the Statistics for the group descended from Hendrick Hendricksen Kip of New Amsterdam/New York only. I would include material if anyone wants to send it to me but for the moment I will discuss the Y-700 test using information that was shared by another researcher as well as my own thoughts. 

Hopefully May 1st I will be on time with both. 

Interesting new papers in Nature and Nature Ecology and Evolution on a find in Ranis, Germany with Homo sapiens being present 45,000 years ago and living alongside Neanderthals. "Homo sapiens reached the higher latitudes of Europe by 45,000 years ago" 

Perhaps back to my books today. Since I accomplished nil on either this week I will probably just do a rerun in thinking on both of them to remind myself of where I am at. 

Teatime.  Groundhog Day in Canada and it is cloudy. The groundhogs will  not see their shadows in this area and we usually do have more than six weeks of winter to come anyway!

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