Saturday, February 3, 2024

Moving on

 Newsletters put to bed so to speak and on to the books. Today I shall just concentrate on thinking about them. All the eye work of the last couple of days has tired my eyes somewhat and they need a couple of days of good rest. That has always been my limiting factor through my life. I had to study in intervals that worked for my eyes and can honestly say that writing seven finals in a row in my Grade 13 year was a real strain actually. The other two had a bit of space. With a job I could always work around it more or less and one seldom spent six hours working on charts and tables which are for me quite fine work. 

So where am I at these days. I have sent the Siderfin book in to a few repositories beyond the Guild Library. It is available online on my website and on my blog at the top in the heading so I think that for the moment that is sufficient. I am sure that anyone wanting to find it will do so. Some of my theses may be questionable to people and I hope that is true actually; the more it is contested the more facts that will come out and the proofs just need a bit of prodding although I feel confident that I have captured a true picture of the 1600s into the 1700s until the Parish Registers and then Census make the smooth recording of the family line very straightforward. 

The Blake book is still looking at early Andover because the Blake family did play a role there although I am still back much further in Roman times looking at all of that interesting history but it is a lot of reading so for the moment I will set that aside except for brief glimpses at some of the material. I will not likely publish very much on that period but it is interesting to learn it.

The Pencombe book I am waiting for my copy of the Inquisition Postmortem but again that is likely in Latin and will require a lot of eye work so not a rush. I am still looking at North Molton in the time period of the late 1400s and early 1500s to see what I can learn and that too is  mostly reading items that I can locate. So bits and pieces of reading through the weekend. 

I do find The Bible Reading each day to be food for thought and the early morning is a good time to think about God's words to us. It is wondrous to think of the words of Abraham being a beacon that shines from the past on into the future of our world. That as it says in verses 10 - 12 of todays reading from Corinthians I chapter 9: The one who plows and the one who threshes the grain might both expect a share of the harvest. 

I think in this modern world we need to have more respect for the producer because they too have to have a life that makes their hard work worthwhile or their children will find different occupations. 

But tilling the soil continues to be the most important task that is performed on a daily basis in our world. The fundamental need for all humans is food. 


Watching Unknown Cave of Bones but the beginning is looking at The Rising Star Caves in South Africa. The finding in 2013 of the extinct Hominin species Homo naledi is and continues to be a profound discovery. That they buried their dead in hidden places even more edifying. One of the paleontologists made a statement that is so true today - what motivated people in the past? What motivates people now one could add although we are a different species from Homo naledi our trees are joined in the past. What does man owe to humanity in all generations? The production of children (not necessarily by everyone; some do not wish to do so and their attitude should be protected) and their education that sticks strictly to the truth and protection. When that protections fails we have chaos. The callous use of children in battle zones is so satanic and Hamas does it again and again. The children should be sent to safety and not doing so lies with the individuals who created the situation namely Hamas. That people would use children in the way that they have been used over the last few months is satanic - attempts to now start to rebuild that corrupt and satanic society are in motion and the Hamas leaders say they will invade their neighbour again and again in that same barbaric satanic fashion. The world must act to protect the children from these satanic people.

But back to the interesting Netflix show. I must say that as the days and weeks pass I wonder at the value of television itself because it is used to put forward an agenda by these satanic people to destroy a world order where man is to love his neighbour as himself without regard to their belief or their ethinicity.  The United Nations was meant to be and continues to be a method to bring about love between neighbours - even one of its organizations was infiltrated by the Satanic Hamas. Hamas really must end along with all the other satanic terrorists that Iran creates and supports.

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