Sunday, February 4, 2024

Homo naledi and the Rising Star Caves

 An absolutely fascinating show on Netflex - Unknown Cave of Bones proved to be a most fascinating watch. 

I think what I came away with amongst other thoughts was the care that a family took to bury a child with what was likely a tool of the parents clutched in the child's hands. A bit of themselves gone with the child to the afterlife and that was 250,000 years ago according to the movie.

Yesterday was a major movie watching day and lots of exercise. My eyes need a good rest. I do not actually think it is the cataracts as I still see quite clearly. My eyes do tire easily though if I am not cautious in how intense I allow my work to become. Yesterday I thought a lot about both the Blake and the Pencombe books and how to complete my chapters on Andover for the one North Molton for the other. I want to be sure that I have covered everything there that I thought was pertinent. Moving on with Pencombe I reach into the possibility that the Pencombe family that initially came to North Molton was the Pencombe family found in Herefordshire (Bromyard perhaps) and that awaits the reading of the Inquisition Postmortem. I did not have these thoughts when we visited Kew that number of times before the discovery of the Pencombe family in Herefordshire.

With Blake I still have an enormous number of images that I took to transcribe and review over the next little while about this family in Andover and area. Mostly I have transcribed a lot of the wills that interested me for Blake in this area but there are still some to do and finding a relationship between the Blake family in Berkshire and the Blake family in Andover Hampshire was very interesting and must review that once again. I did blog on it at the time. Moving between the late 1200s and the 1500s is not an easy task but my Latin continues to improve. Most days I do spend about 1.5 hours on Latin in total. 


Sunday and where will the online service be today. 

Prayers for Israel and Ukraine. Prayers for peace in our world.  Prayers for peace in Gaza.

Church today was on Lambeth Palace grounds in London, England and we were actually there in 2013 this time of year and the primroses were blooming. The service  was wonderful and full of music. I am very much enjoying this reminder of our trips to England over a (for me) fifteen year period. My oldest daughter and I went to Rome and then London in November 2001 for the consecration of the Bishop of Europe (ECUSA) as we were invited by one of the members of the World-Wide Anglican online group. It was a wonderful Pilgrimage as we spent eight days in Rome with the Consecration Service on one of the days at St Paul Within the Walls. 

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