Friday, March 1, 2024

Brian Mulroney has died; I always had great respect for him as Prime Minister and thought he did very well

 Just noticed last night that Brian Mulroney has died. A sad day for Canada for sure as he brought in our modern system of taxing which has stood the government in good stead ever since. I was very much in favour of the GST and still am. I still think it should go back up to 7% or even 10% as it funds the government without having to go through this episode of passing bills to pay the public servants (our military members certainly could do with a raise in pay for sure). The original NAFTA was also his great addition to trading within North America. We need such fiscal conservatives (and I am as conservative as any conservative in my outlook).

I do tend to agree that Pierre Poilievre has grown enormously this past year (one would wish that Brian Mulroney was still with us to guide Pierre along this path but he will have his excellent memory). Continue to let children be children; protect their right to form decisions when they are adults. To the woke people do not muddy the waters with a lot of medical thoughts that alarm children. Give them space; true that as an adult you might look back and have thoughts but you are an adult; let them be children. 

Brian Mulroney was an excellent politician and he will be very missed as he was just always available to any politician looking for advice. Prayers for the repose of his soul. 

The  most outstanding memory of  Brian Mulroney was that he got the job done (a leader in Climate protection way back and his work on freedom in South Africa will be forever remembered when he made Nelson Mandela a citizen of Canada). Since I was amongst one of the first groups of people who lost their jobs when proofreaders were eliminated by the Mulroney government for whom I had voted, I can have a say for sure; I had the same job back in just a few days with a private printer and continued thus for another 14 years working at home and in house more frequently when my youngest was off to school. You will be missed Brian Mulroney; God speed. There are special places in heaven for such hard working people. 

Yesterday was a great day for working on Ancestry DNA results but not a lot else accomplished. I discovered a match which I probably would not have noticed unless I was doing my sort of roundup of results where I look at the un-viewed common ancestor results which takes me all the way back to 8 cM. Usually these results get looked at about four or five times a year but it was four months since I looked at anything particularly so I did the whole nine yards. There it was; my grandmother's name in a tree as a match with another. I had always thought that her half-sister's son and daughter had died in a house fire in California and there was a descendant. I wrote almost immediately and realize now that the kit had just come up as I was looking at the last set of four results (for four siblings). Amazing really. I wrote a couple of long messages and then remembered the picture that my great Aunt Sarah (my grandmother's youngest sister) had with her when she was living with her half sister and forgotten when she was married. So I asked if they had an extraneous picture; why not they might. It must have seemed very "out of the blue" to receive the messages. Anyway time will tell. 

I did spend a little time on Pencombe but not much  and absolutely nothing on Le Blak. I did not write the Newsletter for Pincombe-Pinkham. Unfortunately Pinkham has disappeared from my thoughts although will come back in as some lines of the Pincombe family used the surname Pinkham in England and in the United States. 

Today is the 1st of March and it is minus 10 degrees celsius and our snow is slowly disappearing - amazing really but we tend to have some of our heaviest snowfalls in March so the snow shovels are still out. But it has been a strange winter for sure. 

Time for the first set of Yoga (Peaceful Warrior the pose is actually called), Jumping Jacks and shoulder stand with lots of walking in between to loosen the muscles from their long sleep. The day begins and the newsletter must get written.

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