Saturday, March 2, 2024

Why aid trucks in the middle of the night

I do wonder why aid trucks are arriving in Gaza in the middle of the night - I am suspicious by nature especially in that the Palestinians were told that food trucks would be coming. I do not trust Hamas; they do not care how many Palestinians they kill by their absolute indifference to the protection and care of the Palestinian peoples especially children.

I think that all food deliveries and medicine deliveries should be airlifted and dropped so that no repeats occur.. Whatever possessed the drivers to run over Palestinians; what were they hiding in the trucks to drive away like you see in the aerial footage at high speed. The overhead scenes are rather incriminating for the drivers. I am glad that we (Canada) are no longer supporting UNRWA. We will also send in food and supplies by air apparently. 

Get out of Gaza, Hamas. You are the cause of all of this disaster. Release the  hostages as the International Court of Justice decided immediately and unconditionally.

The Newsletter for Pincombe-Pinkham is almost complete. I wanted to contemplate one section a little longer. Likely I will go back to spending a few days on the Newsletters at the end of each month. 

The sun is rising as I wake up and the daylight returns again earlier and earlier moving towards Spring and unfortunately forest fires are still smouldering waiting to break out once again. We are a land of trees for sure and they do burn to clear away the waste that falls - dead branches and such. When we traveled to Moosonee on a trip in 2012 I expected a more boreal forest as we moved north and indeed as we got closer to James Bay that was the case but there is a lot of forest in Northern Ontario - huge trees. The same when we drove up to Englehart in Northern Ontario when Edward wanted to visit his Allen cousins there; we drove past miles and miles of heavy forested area. Although we had been in that area a number of times years and years ago canoeing, I found the forests thicker than I remembered but I am not an expert for sure. The mind does sometimes play tricks on you and I was driving so not entirely reliable perhaps since my attention is riveted to the road when I drive.

I am very happy now that I got a measles shot way back when my youngest had her shot. I never had measles when I was a child (amazing in a family of seven children but my baby book says that I never had measles). I had just a slight reaction to the shot as I recall about the same as my daughter. I also had my older daughter receive a booster at that time as there was measles around. Since I was out and about; helping here and there with English to French Immersion students and computers for children at school I felt that it was incumbent that I do so since I didn't want to have measles and give that to any person that couldn't be vaccinated for medical reasons.  Something for people to contemplate really with measles having a comeback. I am a great believer in vaccination; it has saved millions of lives since the days of Dr. Edward Jenner and smallpox vaccination.


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