Friday, March 22, 2024

Minus 12 degrees celsius

 About right temperature wise but the snow cover is missing. Hopefully a nice snow fall tonight; usually by now one is waiting for the snow piles to melt. Global warming is definitely a problem but then the polar regions will have the greatest difficulty. 

Yesterday was a day of thought mostly and little actual work on Pencombe. But this is the throw away month looking at the Pencombe family of Herefordshire and examining Philip Pynkenham in Tawstock. Who is he really? Did the Pencombe name arrive earlier in Devon as the records show in the Devon Archives and did it stay which is perhaps more to the point? Is this a stray Tynkeham from the south of Devon? All interesting thoughts and I am not seeing the original documents for these Lay Tax Subsidies. Although having a similar name starting with P in both subsidies 1524-27 and 1543-45 interesting but probably transcribed by the same person. Will still think about it for a couple more days before deciding and then I can always change my mind and retrack later anyway. 

Today will be the Blake family book and more concentration on Richard le Blak of Rouen, Normandy. I will add to this as I go along through the day although will also add text to the chapter likely. 

Teatime and latin. 

As I sat and watched the news whilst I was eating my wonderful breakfast (same every day, day in and day out and I love the repetition!) I noted that 70+ Rohingya refugees are thought to have drowned just off of Indonesia. I wonder if their plight is doubly worst because of the world incidences. For instance the Palestinians are unable to accept that Israel belongs to the Jewish people and the others who live there. The Jewish peoples are indigenous to the land the Palestinians covet it (that is the tool that Hamas uses to get them to lie down and die by the way if need be (although it also appears Hamas kills them if they do not follow that) with the promise that Hamas will get the land back!); the Palestinians often do it on purpose and that is dreadful really. God tells us to take care of our bodies and suicide is a sin. Other countries see the Rohingya trying to find a better life but there is a concern perhaps by countries that over time we might see more "Gaza" situations where the generations that follow demand land they think is theirs rather than accept what is given. The Palestinians are lucky to have land; they were colonials seeking a better life albeit a century or more ago. But still colonials and their rights to land are what is granted to them not what they think they can keep or take. I wonder about that actually as certainly few people mention the Rohingyan people although Canada has had a strong voice in their support. The United Nations has always granted to the original inhabitants everywhere the inherent rights to their land. Prayers for the seventy plus brave souls trying to find a new life because they do not actually have a life and are totally dependent on the United Nations for their welfare left to seek safety by less than worthy sea faring crafts. They are stateless and no one claims them as their own. It is unlikely they can make it all the way to Canada by ocean on boats but I would welcome them and I would wish that my government would as well. But it is cold here and not everyone enjoys the cold; I love the hibernation ability and would never leave Canada in the winter for sure. The Rohingyas would like to work hard and make a life and are the kind of people that we need in Canada. They would probably come at the bottom of the choice because of their lack of skills since they have been hounded for generations.  And because they are basically ignored they do not get the kind of support that Palestinians have had from the United Nations - the money pot is too small and Hamas has used the news to keep the Palestinians front and centre mostly by bombing Israel whenever they felt like it just to get in the news cycle.

I also noted that my blog post saying the funeral was today was incorrect (I have corrected it as I generally do when I realize there is an error, it is after all my diary) it is tomorrow that Prime Minister Brian Mulroney will have a State Funeral in Montreal, Canada. God speed Brain Mulroney, rest in peace. 

The day of research begins and I have closed out that bright bright sun as this time of year I just had and can have dreadful migraines from that brightness (a problem that is lifelong actually). I wear sunglasses to prepare my breakfast!

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