Saturday, March 23, 2024

Added a new chapter to the Blake Book

 I decided yesterday that I should actually write a chapter on the Blake Pedigree Chart and the Blake Family Chart. I had not seen either of them until after I took on the Blake one-name study at the Guild and the Pedigree Chart appeared on a search of the Swindon and Wiltshire Archive catalogue. I found the Family Chart on a look at the Blake Museum in Bridgwater. At that point I had acquired a number of Blake family books on the internet archive site with their charting to go along with all of that. I have never attempted to do any Blake charting on the American Blake families although I have several books that have been produced. One in particular is on the Galway Blake family. There are a number of Blake founders in the FT DNA Blake one-name study. 

The way forward with the book though directed me towards the idea of having this chapter where I actually deal with my thoughts on the two large documents and the several other charts that are available produced by family members. Bringing yDNA into the mix does help support some of my ideas and the nice thing about writing it down; there will likely be thoughts that other people have which will come out of the woodwork. Having all the data in one place is also very helpful. 

This chapter follows the chapter on Andover and its history and precedes the chapter on the Le Blak family of Berkshire and Wiltshire. The Andover is obvious in a book about the Blake family of Andover and the Le Blak family gives me an opportunity to look at this possible progenitor of the Calne Blake family which does seem somewhat intertwined with the Blake family of Andover but I think the relationship between them is actually ancient to their actually being in Calne although there are several Blake marriages which allude to possible connections between the two families at a later date. This chapter will look at that idea although the chapter on the two charts will provide most of the details. 

So moving forward with the Blake book and today is Pencombe with tomorrow being Sunday and a day off to rest my eyes. I love Sundays and have since young childhood. The rhythm of going to Church early with my father as a child in my early teen years and then back to Church later singing in the choir and later teaching Sunday School are my strongest memories of my childhood along with the earlier times of going to Church as a family and occupying such a large portion of the pew. We often walked to Church which was just around the corner. I do miss the organ music and the singing but I have found that again on my YouTube Church of England services. 

Breakfast soon and it is my milk/oatmeal/cranberries and raisins cooked together for five minutes then add wheat germ/wheat bran and cocoa with blueberries. I do think of it as a luxurious breakfast and enjoy it very much. It is my largest meal of the day with my noon meal being the next largest and I like a light dinner. Groceries are much more expensive than they were; that is true but I am trusting that the government is collecting its fair share of taxes on the profits of grocery stores. After all it is the support of government that keeps business running smoothly in Canada for sure as they are protected by our many laws. 

I decided to start my French on duolingo along with my Latin. I will go very slowly as I started as a non-speaker (I read French very well actually) and just review all of that before I get to lots of speaking. It will be something to distract me when I need a break. It is snowing right now although I do not know if we will get enough to ski on. 

Prayers for the Rohingya people once again as they struggle to find a place on this earth. Their lives have been extremely unkind and continue in that way.

I would like to see peace in the Middle East for sure but the ability of Israel to defend itself against the forces of evil that exist in Gaza should not have to be tested constantly. It does need to stop and the hostages should have been freed immediately and unconditionally as stated by the International Court of Justice two months ago. No one likes to see the death level that has occurred in Gaza but attacking Israel is going to get a response and the Israelis want it all to end so that their children do not fear going to sleep at night either. The answer does not appear to be clear; the last cease fire was broken by Hamas once they had regrouped and rearmed. How do they rearm when there is no access into Gaza except there is through tunnels that are not watched carefully enough to make sure no more arms make their way in. The way forward is to stop Hamas and dump them on a deserted island in the Ocean somewhere, monitor it so that they can not leave. They do not respect any human life but their own as they continue to hide underground or in hospitals putting all of those people at risk. Hamas is a danger to everyone just like ISIS which showed their violence against the Russian people yesterday. We need to rid our world of terrorists and they are two of the principal groups along with Hezbollah and the Houthis still even after twenty plus years of the War on Terror. Lent and Ramadan are special times but one shouldn't use God's special time to say stop handling these violent terrorists in the only way they understand. The Americans put forward a good cease fire plan yesterday and it was vetoed and the response of the terror groups was to attack Moscow - interesting really that they fight in Ramadan and yet they claim to be believers. But at the moment I actually do see the Russians as terrorists as they continue to try to take more land in Ukraine a free and independent state; they continue to kill Ukrainians by shelling. It does look like it is time for Russia to retreat back to the accepted borders for Ukraine and take care of the Russian people instead of invading the sovereign country of Ukraine.

God be kind to the earth and help us to clean up the environmental damage we have created. In your loving mercy hear our prayers. Amen. 

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