Tuesday, April 23, 2024

And we are awaiting possible snow

 It is five degrees celsius and sunny - a lovely April day and it was supposed to rain. Yesterday I did another square metre of lawn filling in with fresh earth and new seed. It is really too cold to water it as I do not want to freeze the seeds in ice since it is cold over night but today is supposed to be very sunny so we will see. I can just reseed not a problem but thought I might as well try to work on the grass at the street edge as it suffers most during the winter. 

Basement cleaning all accomplished and this was a move everything week so all the dust gone supposedly. I would need to clear out the cabinets to really be dust free but it is not too bad for this 78.5 year old to accomplish. 

I decided another day of rest on the eyes would be good. Part of that was I spotted the Movie Schindler's List on Netflix and decided to watch that after doing the lawn. It is just over three hours long and I watched it a while ago; can not remember when now. It is a reminder of the wickedness of the Nazi regime and how one man (part of that regime as a member of the Nazi party) whose heart found a reason to save over one thousand Jewish men, women and children by owning a factory which employed some of the Jewish people and he was able to declare them all essential workers. Even at the last the order had been given for the Nazi soldiers who were in attendance at the factory (it was a sort of concentration camp I think) to murder all of these Jewish people but Oskar Schindler spoke to them and said go home, we have lost, let these people live. And they listened and went home. The closing scene includes the hanging of Oskar when he was caught by the allies and hung (he actually had a paper which all of the Jewish people that he saved had signed but one suspects that he did not give that to the allies). At the very end all of the people still surviving walked past his grave and placed a stone on the grave - it was extremely meaningful in these times that one person stood against the Nazis and helped. He wasn't the only one as many went to their deaths in the concentration camps for trying to stop Hitler. Hitler was evil and what we are seeing in the world now is that same evil - Putin and his enablers, Iran and their sycophants Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis (and any others that I do not know). It is also why those who fought for the Nazis must carry that to their grave; we have forgiven and forgotten but there is no celebration of Nazis. They were inhuman, cruel and barbaric; what happened on the 7th of October last was this same kind of inhumane treatment of a people who have suffered long enough. It is time for an end to threats against the Jewish people. Until that happens there can not be peace in our world. We must always be ready; arm for war but look for peace. They have preserved and given to the world the very word of God saved through the centuries so that we could, in this century, read and appreciate the Word (the word that became flesh and dwelt amongst us we Christians believe), the Word that brought the Israelis back to their homeland and the Word that tells us that we must love God with all our heart, our soul, our mind and our strength and love our neighbour as ourself. Then we can have peace. 

Again I can not understand why the Palestinians in North America did not bring thousands and thousands of those children (2 to 8 years of age) to safety here. They required just a DNA test so they could be returned to their relatives at the end of this war; so many could have come and had a life like the children of England during the Second World War who came here to Canada.  

The rest of the house to be cleaned today and I begin very soon,. My Latin lesson is already completed and my tea enjoyed.

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