Wednesday, April 24, 2024


I would pray that there will soon be an end to the war in Gaza. It is interesting that the news at the moment, just when demonstrations are at their height on campuses, is all about possible war crimes. But who is committing the war crimes; I am left to contemplate that. Who gains from these news casts? The hostages have still not been released and it is suspected that most of them are dead. You need to have a lot of "news" that is against a country trying to get their hostages back. Fabricated no ideas on that but Hamas is capable of anything. We already saw that on the 7th of October last. Do not judge too quickly. There are likely individuals in Gaza who want Hamas gone and Hamas would certainly take this opportunity to eliminate them and make it look suspicious. There is no trust for Hamas because they break every cease fire. The United Nations should not be in a war zone. They come in when it is all done to create the peace. No trust for what Hamas says. Anyone living in Gaza who agrees with them likely does so out of fear or they think the opportunities improve for them; people can be shortsighted. At this moment in time Hamas has everything to lose and so they will do anything that helps them we saw that on the 7th of October last. Let us wait for the experts to come in when this is all over; when Hamas is gone from Gaza and the war is done. Interesting how these graves are being disturbed to make it much more difficult to see what actually happened. Hamas is desperate. They are about to lose their "cash cow." The experts in forensic studies are  not yet there. Nor can they be; this is a war zone created by Hamas on the 7th of October. 

I am a great believer in the United Nations but they have no place in a war zone. They should always be neutral until there is actual proof (and there may never be because the satanists get better and better at creating war to their advantage). We created the United Nations to be a place to talk, argue and bring forward recommendations for the better good of all peoples. If we had thought, way back then, that the United Nations would be involved in war then we would have created an army. One notes we did not do that. The world is held hostage whenever sick satanists start wars against countries or within. We just have to make sure that we provide as much help as possible to fight them off but mostly to keep the satanists corralled so that they do not break out. The warning has been issued; what is Russia gaining at the moment; a seasoned army that has been fighting for over two years. What have we gained, nothing really; we have given away a lot of military supplies to help but we are also producing more and getting ready for that eventual fight that always seems to lead almost to Armageddon. The satanists hope for internal discontent within our countries to support their evil ways. Why did Russia pick on Ukraine; because they knew they would fight and keep fighting so that they could build up a seasoned army. It does take a lot to convince a country to become evil. We are watching the process in Russia. Many Germans did not want to fight but fear was used to keep them in line; others were suckered in by promises. Hamas is another story; they are greedy after as much money as they can squeeze out of the United Nations and then keep the people of Gaza in some sort of a state of hatred so that at any time Hamas wanted to strike Israel they would willingly give up their lives; not protect their children and die all for the dream of taking the land of Israel back (which historically belongs to the Jewish people and the others who happily live there). When I watched the physicians (were they Hamas?) exposing those infants on a table I realized how sick these people are. One doesn't expose babies like that; they are always safer with their mother. After all my twin great great uncles were born at seven months gestation with a midwife and they were kept alive by the family until the sooty air of Birmingham took them that winter of 1894-5

Well the temperature did drop quickly and is nearly at zero and it is very windy. It doesn't look like snow though. Time will tell. 

This is a working day and it will be Pencombe and extracting data from Find My Past. Thus far it has proven interesting as it supports the existing trees that I have created and I have a few names that are at the moment not fitting into the trees. Once I find the areas that do not fit then I can look at the land records to see the path back perhaps. There is a long time before I complete this book for sure. I am not in a rush. I have basically organized everything so that it can pass to another if that happens. Lots of Pincombe/Pinkham researchers out there. Just write to my email and my daughter will send you everything. 

On to the day. Another day in God's world sadly torn apart by war that satanists create.  It is snowing; I do love the snow but it is very light and will certainly not come to anything!



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