Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Basement cleaning day and the black earth due to arrive by 7 pm and it is here

 Another busy day and probably not much done on Blake again but then I did concentrate on Blake quite a bit last week. Tomorrow will be Pencombe. 

There is a twelve hour window for the arrival of the black earth so could be a long day of watching for that. I really hate leaving my car out on the street but it just seemed the most practical thing to do. I always find that cars parked on narrow residential streets are a nuisance but one does need to have parking for various things on a residential street. And the black earth has arrived by 8:30 a.m. great news. On to the cleaning.

I think a real punch at Iran would be to provide a lot of assistance to Ukraine right now; Israel could do that as Iran, Russia, North Korea and not sure about China yet all seem to be lining up against the free world. These Satanists want totalitarianism, women shrouded from head to toe (some of them I assume time would tell on that) and without a voice, and domination of the world so that all of the wealth of the world is theirs. At least it is beginning to have that kind of a Hitler smell. Random hits here and there but we in Canada know that Iran is Satan. They destroyed the lives of so many Canadians shooting down that airplane coming out of Tehran airport. Was it a mistake on their part to have triggered that hate so early; possibly. They just could not control their hatred of these Iranian Canadians coming to visit relatives in Iran. Help Ukraine to really put Russia down. That would be an interesting scenario I think. Knock the stuffing out of Russia so that they can not help to supply Iran; this mutual agreement of theirs has always been problematic. Funny bedfellows really the two of them Russia and Iran - both sick satanists. Where does the rest of the Middle East stand? Time will tell. Recognizing and sharing ambassadors with all the Middle East countries except Iran which is Satanist would be a great step forward and a slap in the face to Iran's goals in the world. Ridding of Hamas, Hezbollah and Youthis would be a great triumph in the Middle East. Do not give them any space to prosper. They're just terrorists who believe that their death will be honoured. God does not honour such people for sure.

Must get the robot vacuuming the rug in the basement. 

Teatime and Latin already accomplished long ago. Breakfast prepared and eaten. 

A beautiful sunny day in God's world. Would that everyone could want the best for all of God's world and not be so judgemental against freedom. Great believer in taxes; it is the leveling field and corporations especially the wealthy ones have the support of Canadians as we buy their products and some work for them. Time to make Canada everything it can be. On the other hand I wait to see how the Liberals do; they  have never historically been good with our money; they just throw it at things without careful cautious bookkeeping. It is a wait and see time. 

Studies on the Winchcombe meteorite in Britain are proving to be most fascinating. To learn about the past is always fascinating. I mostly concentrated on science in my youthful days but it is all connected - the evolution of earth's inhabitants, the evolution of the Solar System and the beginnings that are still hidden to us. The God factor is so much in my mind these days in everything really. Every where you turn you can see that God plays a huge role in the universe. There is always a beginning I think myself. It isn't random because random doesn't always work; there needs to be a plan that has been worked out prior to anything being totally successful especially when you consider the evolution of the inhabitants of earth both flora and fauna. Mind you randomness that doesn't work is quickly excluded and we are not meant to know the beginning perhaps until the end.

It is a treat actually to be retired. There is so much time to read and learn everything I didn't learn earlier (or pick it up again like French, Latin, German - all of these languages will help me writing my books - fortunately perhaps it is these three languages that merged with Old English to form modern English). I have always been a lover of learning; reading the encyclopaedia when I was just six, seven and eight. I never liked school particularly but part of that was I just wanted to learn and not do all the social things that are considered part of the learning experience. It started with musical chairs in kindergarten and when I discovered that one could sit in a corner and read instead I found that to be so exciting but it was derailed and back to wandering around in a meaningless circle and sitting on a chair if you happened to be close to one. I always avoided sitting on the chair so that I did not have to be part of that meaningless circle. I did try to be polite as my mother requested but it wasn't always easy; however being the strange person that I was I managed to escape all of those social things quite early on simply by being so polite. If someone asked me to stop by and wait for them to go to the bus I did do that but was glad when it was no longer desired. The same with being introduced to the new child at school who didn't know anybody; I was glad when they found friends! There you are. I really am a hermit. On to work.

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