Monday, April 15, 2024

Cleaning today - two floors

 Church yesterday was at St Marys Lancaster and the service was stations which had been created by members of the parish. The choices were so meaningful on the Third Sunday of Easter. It is interesting to see these services continuing on and available on YouTube around the world. It is such a complete obedience to Jesus asking that his disciples tell the stories of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to the world. It is the culmination of all the centuries of missionary work as the Churches of Jesus Christ took his stories around the globe. I also watched Netflix "The Story of Moses" partially again. I do like to watch twice as I notice little things that I missed the first time through just because I tend to wander about the room when I am watching TV rather than sitting the entire time.

Cleaning day today and it is the larger cleaning day so will keep me busy most of the day. No email yet for my garden earth arriving. The email comes in the day before and then delivery that day following. Looking forward to that happening sometime this week and then I can start spreading a thin layer of soil and add grass seed to help the grass along. How much longer will I do this gardening? No ideas on that. I started helping my husband when it was too much for him (or he asked me to help him as we generally planted the large garden together through the years) and then the pace maker was inserted but he really couldn't do gardening like he used to so I took that over and he did what he could. It was exhausting to do all that work actually and I have let a lot of it go with the object in mind of growing the vegetables in the side plots as the Black Walnut Tree sucks the goodness out of the earth around it and you can not dig in the main garden most of the way across now because it is so thick with black walnut roots. So vegetables on the one side and across the back as it seems to be far enough away from the Black Walnut tree. The other side sunflowers and not sure what else but definitely two rows of sunflowers. It is a beautiful Black Walnut tree.

Today would be a Blake day and if I get a chance I will work away on the two Blake charts that have been created. Tomorrow will also be a Blake day. I have decided to go with two days in a row for a bit. I found the one day interesting when I was busy writing as it kept my mind very active and will return to it once I have completed my task of drawing out the data for the Pincombe family on Find My Past. It will take months for sure. Eventually I will do the same with Blake but I need to decide exactly what to look at and that will be determined by what I am able to link together as there is a lot of Blake family data but I would do a sort of Blake chart for the Calne people that I would link into the existing Blake Somerset Chart held by the Bridgwater Museum. The other Blake would be purely Andover and getting it back to the John Blake at Enham in the early 1300s is my aim but is he the ancestor of the Robert Blake at Enham 100 + years later? That is the question and I hope to solve it. Coming down from Robert Blake is still great.

I think there could be gains for the world seeing just how Satanic Iran can be. Any one of those missiles or drones could have failed and gone down into the countries between Iran and Israel. It did bring to mind Iran shooting down a civilian airplane headed to Canada (they did it because they hate Iranians that have gone to Canada and are enjoying their lives here (Iran murdered the children, the wives, the sons, the daughters, etc)). Iran sent over 300 objects towards Israel and felt that was fair retaliation for whomever sent the couple of drones that blew up their embassy in Syria (150 or more to 1). If one does the math then for their military shooting our single civilian airplane down the appropriate response by their measure would be to shoot down 150 or more Iranian military airplanes. But we are not a sick satanic country. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps should be listed by us as a terrorist group.

I continue to believe that there should not be any money for Gaza until Hamas gets out of Gaza (I do not care if members of Hamas are Palestinians - they have no right to be there (except in jail) as they have caused all of this destruction and death. Hamas had their chance to govern and they failed totally. No country should be dependent on the United Nations for food for three generations when they have all that land where they could grow food. Free the Hostages hamas; the International Court of Justice told you to free them unconditionally and immediately three months ago. Hamas is responsible for all the deaths that have occurred in this war; they chose to attack Israel and hence are responsible for all the barbarism and deaths last October and the destruction and deaths ever since in Gaza. 

Latin and Teatime.Then cleaning.

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