Saturday, April 13, 2024

Interesting details on Pencombe

 One will I never did work out came back to the surface so spent a little time yesterday sorting that one and not yet clear on the path - it is that time when facts are more difficult to find - the Commonwealth period. Perhaps on the ground at Registry Offices I would find more but I will continue with Pencombe today and I am beginning to wonder if two days in a row would be better at this stage as there is more in depth thinking especially on Pincombe as I draw out the facts from Find My Past. 

Ordered the garden earth and that will come in this next week and then I will begin the outdoor work although want to let the wild flowers bloom in the lawn so will try not to disturb that too much. I can also work on the flower beds in the front as they need fresh earth. A little of some plants is necessary and adding new plants here and there probably. Time moves onward but it is early to be working in the garden generally this is "Mud Season" when one just waits and it may yet be as more rain is promised this weekend. 

Took pictures of the parging that needs to be done and just have to find someone to do that. I will go to Home Hardware in May if I can not find anyone before then. I also want to paint the aluminium siding. I had thought to replace it but I actually like the aluminium siding as it is minimal care. 

I have to work on the Allen box of pictures and get that ready to go to cousins for June. The material has been pretty much sorted out now and I can begin what I consider to be Edward's greatest interests although he did love being part of the Ottawa Branch of the Ontario Ancestors (was Ontario Genealogical Society). He belonged to four branches in total and made visits to Brant and Oxford during the years as well. Brant was his special favourite I think outside of Ottawa Branch. 

Another day in God's world and a tune came back to me as I have been working away - "His Banner Over Me is Love." I did love singing that song as a child and it was from the Bible Chapel that I went to with a friend that I made when I was seven. Her father was in the military and they moved away a couple of years later. We went every Wednesday after school although it was not easy to get permission to do that. But Archdeacon Abraham said to my parents they should let me do that (secretly I think he loved it that I could find any verse in the Bible very quickly and was just showing me off!). I was very fond of Archdeacon Abraham he was my hero as a child. When I was quite young and he would be in the pulpit giving his homilies/sermons I used to mix him up with Father Abraham as he had a booming voice telling the people of God's love and how we must lead our lives (plus my father referred to him as Father Abraham in the English way when he mentioned him to us (my siblings and I)). 

Another day of Pencombe/Pincombe and the book slowly grows. It will be a purely family book as it will not include much beyond the Pincombe family at North Molton (unless I can prove they were from Herefordshire). From just one person, John Pencombe, a huge family flowed into the north Devon area and then beyond into Somerset and Surrey/London. Around the world to the United States, to Canada, to Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. The family from one singleton individual is huge. 

Prayers for the world and that it will find peace in our time but not peace at any price. Not this time; people have a right to their countries that they formed at the end of the Soviet Union and we must help them. Israel has a right to exist and not feel constantly threatened. The God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is the same God and He would want us to find peace amongst ourselves. Thank you God for giving us such a beautiful world and all that is in it. 

Teatime and Latin; the day moves forward.

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