Sunday, April 14, 2024

Pulling all the BMBs etc records for Pincombe-Pencombe-Pyncombe will be a slow process

Sunday and Church on You Tube; this has become a regular event in my life and always a surprise as to which Church/Chapel will be the location for the service. Wonderful idea.

Prayers for the world as always. The evil that is being done at the moment surely can not last and good can come back into the world. Peace in our time is doable if only the satanic people of the world could control themselves. The satanic people do not want peace, they want chaos because it is only when there is chaos that they can survive. 

Pulling more than 60,000 records from Find My Past will take a long time and is a slow process but it is the best way to proceed. Although I do have a one-name study file on Legacy for Pincombe it is limited as I did not at the beginning look at it from the same viewpoint as I am now looking at it. If I am going to write a book and I now have 40 pages written then I do need to be as thorough as I can be pulling out all of the records in Find My Past. I will also look at Family Search, Ancestry, My Heritage over time but Find My Past will be my principal research tool. I am thinking of subscribing to The Genealogist and British History online for both of the books. Although I am looking at all of the records I am not recording all of them in the book but will attribute sources to any that I do pull. There is repetition of course and it can be helpful actually as reading the original made a correction to one of the transcriptions of a register page. In the early years of the Parish Registers one encounters smearing on occasion and the mice ate holes in the parchment or just natural wear and tear. Yesterday I accomplished sixty years from 1560 to 1620. It will be slow. 

Not any luck with the parging yet but I am asking around to see how that goes. The painting is not something I have to do anytime soon but something I want to get done. I did consider replacing the siding but I actually like the aluminium siding. So will not rush to replace it. When I sell it I am sure someone will replace it. But it does need painting. 

Took a break by mid afternoon when I did my stair climbing exercise - 10 times up two flights.  Right now my 2 sets of  jumping jacks, standing warrior and shoulder stand first thing in the morning followed by weight lifting mid morning and then my 30 minutes run and 10 minute walk just before lunch followed midday by stair climbing and a little later calisthenics/yoga combination seem to fill my day. I could also ride the stationary bicycle and use the treadmill and do do that some of the days for variety. Then every hour I do a minimum of 250 steps for my FitBit (and me) but generally it is a 5 to 10 minute walk. Exercise is fundamental to good health is my belief and my children can tell you about our walks around the block (2 kilometre block) when they were young with them generally running to stay caught up to me. But they did enjoy it; fresh air is always nice.

On to the day. 



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