Thursday, April 25, 2024

The Untold Story of the Kingdom of Judah by Professor Oded Lipschits

What a magnificent find? Listening yesterday to the Introductory chapter A1 available on You-Tube.  How I love good lectures on the Old Testament. Thank you to Dr. Lipschits for translating his lectures from Hebrew and putting his lectures on YouTube. Much appreciated. Can we ever understand God and how He has related to man through the centuries? My opinions were formed by my grandfather and grandmother along with the priest at our church. My grandfather was High Anglican one would say and my grandmother (although raised in the Anglican Church in England) attended the Methodist and then United Church after Union in 1925. She had a different concept of how God moved in her life. I always preferred my Anglican concept of God as He just seemed more real to me. Perhaps it was the tiny bit of wine that we had as children to celebrate Christmas and Easter, I was confirmed at eleven years of age and went to communion regularly with my father first thing Sunday mornings and back to sing in the choir and/or teach Sunday School at the later service. Although I am pretty much a non-drinker I could not understand the strictness of the United Church as a child. Jesus had performed the miracle of water to wine for the wedding feast so why would wine be condemned I thought even as a young child. For me drinking wine is always in memory of the Sacrifice made by Jesus to save mankind. But then I also did not understand why people who were United Church drank because to me it was forbidden for them. Interesting really what one sees and learns as one passes through life.

Worked on Pencombe yesterday and revised my search pattern. I decided to work on the singleton surname Pencomb and have entered all instances into my one name study legacy file and started working on Pencombe (for all years). For Pencomb there were 53 entries and there are 866 for Pencombe so will continue with that today. I was getting too many repeats doing a twenty year search path. Then I will move to Pyncomb and Pyncombe and finally the largest groups Pincomb and Pincombe. I will also do Pinkham and some of the other smaller derivative surnames. Slowly the known lines are being created and the areas where the singletons are and gradually they are filling in but in distinct places which will make it easier to look at the land records. 

More work on the lawn today as I work backwards from the street. It will soon be dandelion time and I will let them bloom as we did last year. I will also start to fill in the garden beds at the front with fresh earth as the plants are now starting to grow. It would be nice to have the entire front yard completed by mid-May. Then a couple of weeks of moving earth in the wheelbarrow and we will have the main garden and side gardens planted at the back. Then it will be possible to work on the patches of lawn that need fresh earth and grass seed although the best growing time for grass is early May that can be next year but will use up the rest of the fresh earth there. I had thought that earth was needed along our garage side at the front but actually there is enough debris from the Yew Tree that the land is quite good there. Just need to do the parging when it is dried out. That is always a rather damp area with the large Yew Tree and other cedars on our neighbour's property. 

The day has begun and there is just a little light in the east. It is minus three degrees celsius and meant to be around 9 degrees celsius in the warmest part of the day. Tomorrow will be in the mid teens apparently and also sunny. Rain to come and so will continue seeding the front lawn and adding fresh earth. No digging; this is a great way to garden for sure! I am definitely too old to dig that much. 

Lovely walk yesterday about 1.5 km twice over to take the car to have the summer tires put on and then return. 

Next teatime and latin and then on to the day. .

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