Friday, May 10, 2024

A day of relaxation and the Sun went behind clouds quite nicely half way through the day

Yesterday turned into a day of relaxation as I kept my eyes away from the brightness which gradually disappeared as the day passed. I didn't do any work at all; a very lazy day. However, I did do my weight lifting, running, walking and yoga/calisthenics. I can not imagine a day without exercise although I apparently have to take it easy after the cataract surgery, not lifting anything even moderately heavy, not running and probably a few other things but I can walk and I will do lots of walking just not fast.

I did revisit my blog a few times as I contemplated the world. Then I just thought about God and His place in the universe. Watching the "Secrets of the Neanderthals" on Netflix I found it interesting the references to religion in that the Neanderthals buried their dead and in a fixed place over a period of time. Interesting really and the work on the teeth was especially interesting as I always thought they were predominantly meat eaters but it appears they also ate vegetable matter. The reconstruction of a face was amazing as the differences these days between Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis  are becoming less pronounced as more research is done. The Neanderthals lived for 400,000 years but the demise (about 40,000 years ago) has been attributed to climate change and their inability to adapt which is quite fascinating. Perhaps already there was an effect of inbreeding though which also decreased their numbers since they did mate with Homo sapiens. It is interesting to contemplate that God was there during all of that and learned greatly about the species Homo. I find all of this so very intriguing. The God in our world has changed from the God who walked with the early peoples and tried to lead them down a path that would produce a good life for them. He is ever watching. 

Interesting really to have lived these 78.5 years and seen how knowledge updates itself even in my own lifetime. My grandfather especially used to mention that. How much life had changed since he was born in 1875 and this was the early 1950s so a similar age to mine when he was talking to me. He loved to talk and I was a listener. I am surprised sometimes at how I remember but from a very young age I have had an incredible memory. I find I mostly think of my grandparents and their thoughts in these days because I spent a lot of time actually with them whereas my parents aged nearly 1000 km away from me and I did not see them that often in the last seven years or less (my father died in 1998) of their lives. I was working fulltime outside of the home by then and with two children teenage and adult my time was rapidly used up. Edward became very busy with work and genealogy from 1995 on (I think the loss of his brother in 1996 and his mother in 2000 were true struggles for him). Traveling for work was generally to conferences in the United States (we went with him to learn all about the places he went to and the land we covered to get there; fascinating education for children) and genealogy conferences and other activities in Ontario as well as the northern United States where his ancestors had lived until the late 1790s and up until the 1820s.  The time to go to my home city just didn't materialize very often. However, I do have my slightly more than 25 years of letters from my mother which fill a few gaps but I was always surprised when we were back that what she wrote and what she was doing did not always tell the whole story. So you miss a lot if you move away from family. I rarely saw them anymore but they were also very busy with their families. I do share all my genealogy work with them and the DNA work that I do on our results. Having so many results is quite fascinating in terms of who you match and how much you match them and does really make it easier to work your way back in time. Plus having all the companies covered with at least two and sometimes as many as four with five of us being involved provides an enormous amount of data of no value to anyone except us! Although people often write to ask how they relate so I do try to answer those emails but the tree is online and mostly people just read it off the tree as I see it reproduced here and there.

Today I plan to do some extractions from Find My Past. Hopefully work outside a bit as it is going to be rainy and so not sunny which would be perfect. One really nice part of rain and lots of it; the ease with which you can weed. So much better. 

On to the day, teatime and Latin.,

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