Thursday, May 9, 2024

Working day

 The day started out very well and I extracted more material from Find My Past. The census will be a long haul but definitely the best place to be at this stage. My exercise kept apace as well. With a break in the rain I went out and moved some more fresh soil to the front garden bed and cleaned up along the side of the fence although will do a better job when the rain stops but  no rush on that. 

I succumbed to a migraine early afternoon which changed the process somewhat and I listened to some quiet music for a while. The bright sun perhaps although I was wearing my sunglasses and a hat and it didn't last very long however I do have trouble with the sun in the spring - it is just so bright. 

Latin is going well and I am into a new section Unit 13. Although I started Latin to aid me in my reading of old documents it has actually taken on a life as I talk to myself in Latin now. I may try to start reading books in Latin one of these days in my spare time! I also want to start putting in more time on French speaking but I am early with that as I had not planned to start until September. So far I have not learned any new vocabulary which is a good sign for my memory. 

Perhaps finished soon and the hostages will be free and the Palestinians enjoying life without Hamas (that would be wonderful if they could have a state but there is much to do to build a country and if Hamas is not gone then what will change?). Surely there are enough Palestinians (not part of Hamas) who could form a representative government and are not greedy dictators looking after themselves or their like only. 

I watched the Victory Parade in Moscow and once again the world thanks the Russian people for their great sacrifices in helping to defeat the nazis (but all the allies suffered for sure as well but the Russian losses were great and the western part of their country a shambles). But if there is one thing that we are learning - nazism isn't attached to a country; it is a narrow minded corruption of a group of people by a madman that eventually by coercion (greed plays a huge role at the start) and extreme measures forces a people to do things that they would not do normally. Combine that with lies about the so-called enemy and you are looking at a potential World War. It can happen to any country and any people and is always a gradual process - the dictator always comes as a friend to the people that he corrupts but ends up destroying their lives (except for Hamas (I do not think they were ever friendly) once they were elected they attacked the people of Palestine and broke their will). The dictator makes up so many stories to justify whatever they do and when you are cut off from the rest of the world you make mistakes. 

That is why we have the United Nations for talking. To prevent dictators from destroying the lives of millions of people. Free the hostages today Hamas, unconditionally and leave Gaza (even if you are Palestinian by birth you do not respect your people and should leave so they have a better chance in life). Leave Ukraine Russia you have no right to their land. 

Are we just naive thinking that all people are capable of gathering up the reins and forming a government. I do not think so; it is violence that prevents that. Perhaps the first steps are clumsy and difficult but the United Nations is there to help along the way. But just going back to the status quo of sending in 500 or now 600 trucks a day to Gaza (for Hamas to fleece and turn into bombs) doesn't really help the people of Gaza move beyond subsistence to a flourishing wealthy country  like the one that they are beside. No sense coveting that land  (the rights of the Israeli people to their land is well proven and documented), no sense being jealous of the wealth of that country, get to work and create your own country. But we could help by getting rid of Hamas; by not supporting people to dominate the scene like the encampments at the university are trying to do. How many Hamas operatives are in our country just waiting for the chance to interfere in our democracy by using the tenets of democracy; they are only ever after money in the long run although they will give all these platitudes about caring for this or that. But the God of the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims is the same God and His words ring true century after century; love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and love your neighbour as yourself. When that happens we have peace and prosperity.

Wouldn't that be lovely; it would be like Utopia if the rest of the dictators of the world copied Franco and returned to the people their government and country. What is gained by the status quo for the people of Palestine? Hamas and the other terrorist groups are just leeches sucking out the lifeblood of these people. But then one might say what is gained by war - nothing; it is dreadful the cost in human lives and property is enormous. Then you have the leeches who come in and benefit whilst people recover. That is why we have the United Nations to help with such things; to get people on their feet and running their country. But the status quo in Gaza does not work for the people of Gaza just for the leeches - Hamas and their sycophants. 

The status quo is an invitation to much worse I rather think but perhaps anything is at the moment. People have to decide on what they will tolerate and what they will not and a lot of people may suffer. Certainly brute force always seems to come to the surface in our world looking back through history. But this time it may destroy us completely. Who gains? Ignorance by brutal people will be the downfall perhaps and one thinks of the British as they stood alone (with the Commonwealth supporting them) that year of 1940-41 and fought and did not give up. They were a tough people. And here we are once again with brutal dictators dictating to us themselves and through their sycophants. How sad.

Headache improved today but will take it easy on the eyes and stay out of the sunlight!

Breakfast soon, latin completed and tea time enjoyed. 

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