Thursday, May 16, 2024

Another day of gardening

Sun today  but the air quality is at 53 and no precipitation for at least two days. Canada is on fire once again although the forest fires did not go out during the winter months this past winter which is unusual; not enough snow to dampen them. Today clearing the back of the garden of weeds getting ready for fresh earth there as well and clearing out weeds from inside the raspberry patch. May marches onward towards planting days and this is always the busiest month of the year outside. I find it funny to see me out there for hours clearing the land of weeds so that the planting can take place. I have been doing that since 2011 every spring. Not liking gardening doesn't mean I do not garden though. I do agree with my husband; you shouldn't have land if you are not going to use it; maintain it. It is a struggle though as my writing calls to me to come back and work on it!

Heard from my cousin again (half third cousin two times removed) and perhaps one day will hear if the picture of my great grandparents has survived. There was a house fire apparently. I know what the picture looks like and it would be interesting to see a copy but I do not have to own the original; originals are not my thing. But I am curious about Ellen (Taylor) Buller. My grandmother talked about her mother quite a bit actually and I would share that information with this cousin for whom she is a 3x great grandmother (my great grandmother). There is so much known detail about Ellen but her parents remains a likelihood rather than an absolute for sure without a matching DNA on one of the lines of her siblings. This Ellen placed into this particular family where she appears to belong had six siblings (one likely brother Frank died at ten years of age). I did hear from a descendant of one of the other likely siblings in this family who said he was related but there is this part of me that really does like to see DNA results. Oh well, the advent of this ability did bring me into genealogy really along with my cousin needing his Pincombe Profile so it is unlikely I will ever change in that regard.

But that was the extent of my looking at genealogy; it is on the back burner for probably a couple of months although will dip in and out likely when there is time. 

Horrifying news that Prime Minister Fico of Slovakia has been shot. What sadness there can be in the world. I can feel the sadness as the world grips with terrorist monsters who try to legitimize their actions when they are really just terrorism - that is how wars begin with terrorist acts. Why oh why can this sickness not disappear from our world; this hatred for no reason except generations of desire and greed for something that was never yours in the first place. 

Nearly breakfast time and then Latin; the order changes somewhat in the spring with gardening duty. So far the two transplanted hosta  have survived and will water them again today just to help them along. I did free all of the hostas from the surrounding wild flowers. I should have done that earlier but just did not get it done. I did make a stab at it last week but not enough for sure. Now they are clear although still more to do. The wild flowers are tough and hardy as they snake through the land. The dandelions have bloomed and will soon die down but we left a big patch of them in the middle of the front of the yard for the bees to pollinate and they have been busy out there for sure. 

On to the day. 

As I wait for my dental appointment I am thinking about China and why it would side with Russia with regard to the terrorist war that Russia wages against Ukraine. Is it about owning the world? Does anyone really own the world? No, it is populated by a whole lot of people formed into countries mostly of their choosing and owning all of us is just slavery on the part of aggressive countries. Slavery never really goes well in the long run. There are so many examples. Why can we not have peace? The Americans in particular funded both China and Russia during World War II to help them fight off nazism. But yet Russia and China both hate America and blame it for whatever they can think of at the moment. So why is that? Is it just jealousy that America is successful and a world leader in trade and they jealously and covetously want that? Probably, desire for money is basically the root of all evil; it is like a drug and they want all of it. Too bad really as the world could be a lovely place but for aggression by Terrorist Russia against Ukraine and Terrorist Hamas in Gaza against Israel. Being able to defend yourself doesn't change the actual happening. China remains an enigma in all of this though I do have to admit. One goes from thinking China is interested in having a world at peace and not necessarily all communist to questioning curiosity. Their brand of communism is somewhat different in that there is people control on the city level type of thing it would appear. But yet they do have a military that is militaristic. When one considers that the most important item on our agenda is Climate Change though it is strange to see any country going out of their way to abuse another country in any way and that includes Nazi Russia against Ukraine and Nazi Hamas in Gaza against Israel. For I think they truly are copying Hitler with their abuse of people and complete disregard for any normalcy in our world that isn't controlled by them. Small scale right now but the desire for greater control is ever present in their actions. Does one include China in that? We wait and watch. At the moment China has more of the look of Franco as he too listened to Hitler and his adherents but never really moved to assist with the torture that Hitler released on the world in 1939 in particular. In this case the torture has been released by Nazi Russia and Nazi Hamas. Both attempt to justify their actions by lies with their adherents trying to create support around the world (more in the case of Nazi Hamas with the camp-ins here, marching on our streets celebrating Hamas after 7 October last certainly indicates adherents in our country disgusting though it is).

I do find it interesting that Homo neaderthalensis died out because of Climate Change but lucky for us Homo sapiens we were able to manage in that time of change. But probably we were unified and working together to survive the ravages of the Ice Age at that time (also climate change). Anything that isn't the normal climate is Climate Change. Now Nazi Russia and Nazis Hamas in Gaza are challenging the world order and trying to take what is not theirs inflicting enormous hardships on people. Nazi Hamas is responsible for all the deaths in Gaza and Israel; all the hardships in Gaza and Israel as they continue to bomb Israel and fight the Israeli army in Gaza (the Isrealis want their hostages back whether they are alive or dead) inflicting even more deaths on the Palestinians. If you see that differently it is because you do not see that Israel, the country brutally attacked, has a right to defend themselves against the enemy Nazi Hamas. Hamas has said they will continue committing barbaric acts against Israel presumably until the last Nazi Hamas is dead in Gaza. Hezbollah has every intention it would appear of continuing to fight against Israel as well but they are a different kettle of fish and the people of Lebanon are less willing to lie down and die for Hezbollah it would appear. The facts are pretty clear unless you are vegetating on the news reels which show the at the moment horror which was totally created by Nazi Hamas to gain your support - I do find it abhorrent that Nazi Hamas does this to influence people and those people allow it to happen.

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