Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Another week of cleaning accomplished

 My week of cleaning was accomplished and now on to the rest of the week. Yesterday, whilst I was cleaning, the door bell rang and I looked out the window to see a young man kneeling in front of my English Primrose. I was going to just ignore it but decided to answer it. He was trying to sell bug packages (i.e. bug prevention) but I said no. He wanted to know what I would do with bugs and I said I just killed them in the house and let them live outside. He decided to move on which was good as my cleaning needed to be finished. I guess it is good training for these young people to go door to door but I never buy anything at the door. 

Perhaps today I will get back to Pincombe. I have a number of pictures that have come to me from a Pincumbe family that traveled to Devon area which are interesting. There was a record for a John in 1433 which was very interesting and will have to have a look at that. He would be a little older than I thought in 1486 but still a possibility or perhaps the father of the John Pencombe at North Molton on the Lay Subsidy of 1524-7. Will work away at that and get the pictures sorted around. I may not put many pictures in the book as they make it quite large. We will see. 

Other than that the day is early but I am up and have done the hardest solitaire game thus far; will finish up the other four they are easier. But I do like a mental challenge first thing in the morning. 

I hope to watch the first lecture in the main section of this series The Untold History of the Kingdom of Judah. Coming to the thought that the Promised Land was in fact the land that the family of Joseph left during the famine 400 years earlier was a powerful thought and it makes sense. Of course Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery which was how Joseph got to Egypt. Sometimes coincidence just doesn't do it and that is when I really see God in our world for sure. But He mostly stays hidden to us as he watches us and wonders, no doubt, why we do not obey His commandments to love our neighbour as ourself. Bringing back the bones of Jacob to lie in his own soil would certainly have been Jacob's desire I rather think. As my grandfather aged I think he wished he was back in England but by then he was in his late 70s and so many dead after the war although his oldest brother was still alive as he outlived Samuel with Samuel outliving the next oldest brother. Interesting families for sure. Grandpa lived a wonderful life I think. He loved all his grandchildren and with just his son as his only child the five of us were a gift to him I guess; my youngest sister was born a couple of months before he passed away and my youngest brother two years later. But my youngest brother is so like my grandfather. That same kind helpful person with his own grandchildren. 

Congratulations to the Liberal government bringing back the six children in the detention camp in Syria; children should not be in a war zone - they can not help what their parents do and it is not their fault and they shouldn't be punished. Hopefully the stain of ISIS is not on them yet. Terrorists are the scum of the earth.

Teatime and Latin. I am up early but that is my genes apparently; I am an early riser. I also would not mind if Canada Post only delivers my mail twice a week; that would work for me. Mail delivery can be handy but it doesn't need to be every day and most of what I get is advertisement anyway.

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