Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Gardening beckons

I think the next two weeks will be mostly dedicated to getting the yard ready for the summer including planting of the garden. Although I may get a little done on extraction from Find My Past it will not be my primary work for the next four weeks. Busy times ahead and all that lovely exercise! Although gardening is not something that I really enjoy it is very healthy work. 

Had an interesting email from someone my husband knew in Paris, Ontario. They share the same surname and Edward has attempted through the fifty plus years that he did genealogy to link them but no success. One Kipp family located to the Niagara area and appear to be Quaker. There was a Henry Kipp in Northeast Town who was also Quaker but putting together information on this area in New York is very difficult. A lot of material was lost during the Revolution. However, he mentioned that he had found interesting material in the Dutch Reformed Church records so left it with him to let my daughter know (via me) what he had located. I created the Kip-Kipp Family Newsletter to publish the last sections of Edward's work and to carry on reporting on the Kip-Kipp yDNA study at FT DNA. There are a number of Kip-Kipp families in the United States and Canada but they are not all descendant of the Kip family of New Amsterdam/Amsterdam. New Amsterdam now being New York City.  It would be nice to find others continuing to work on these southwestern Ontario Kipp families. Their arrival in the area ranged from the 1770s to the 1800s. Edward collected a lot of material on his own lines coming down from Isaac Kipp and Hannah (Mead) Kipp. But also he collected material on the Tillsonburg Kipp family. One of the testers at FT DNA in the study is from the Tillsonburg Kipp family. 

The next newsletter will be the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter on the 1st of June although I will start creating that this next week. 

Raining today so will don my rainwear and go out and weed unless it is thunder and lightning. Weeding is good in the rain for sure! We need to move a couple of hosta plants that are being crowded out in the front garden by the globe cedar. Also need to trim that. Edward had that down pat and used an electric wand to do that. Not sure I am going to wield that but we will see. It did do a good job for sure and much quicker than clippers. 

Again the ominous sounds of war preparation as Russia continues to attack the innocent people of Ukraine. Prayers for Ukraine. Everyone who suspected Stalin of being an aggressor against the countries around Russia were so right in 1940 when the Hitler-Stalin pact was created dividing Poland in half between them. I had forgotten that pledge was only for ten years that they would not attack each other but then Hitler could never be trusted. Although I have always had much sympathy for the Russian people with all their losses during World War II and their valiant stand against Hitler (with all that aid from the allies - United States in particular but also England and the Commonwealth) Russia did stand by and watch as Hitler decimated Poland and then moved in to take the half promised by the pact. But we did believe that lie that Russia was just getting ready to have to fight Germany (it was convenient to do so for sure). The world was in turmoil though and any ally was better than an enemy!

Israel is committed to freeing their hostages and prayers for them for sure. The inhumane conditions under which they have lived these seven months is horrendous and not mentioned enough in the General Assembly of the United Nations or the news outlets. Hamas brought all of this down on the heads of the Palestinians and Hamas is responsible for every death on both sides. The Israelis though are good at hunting out cowards - they were very efficient eliminating all of the Nazis possible after the Second World War. NO  one wants to see Palestinians die especially the children (why could the people here in North America not bring thousands of them here) - Hamas does not care they are just news fodder and so they hide amongst them to increase the possibility of the death of Palestinians not engaged in conflict. I do wonder what the reaction of any other country would have been if the 7th October last brutal barbaric attack had been on their country?  No one thinks it will happen to them and yet it was the second such attack - Russia's attack on Ukraine was as well and continues. Ukraine continues to fight back but they are outnumbered 4 to 1.

I am opposed to sit-ins/camp-ins though especially on our publicly supported university campuses (love it when the police remove them). Blocking people from using these facilities should be illegal. The encampments are destroying the property and it will cost real money to repair them. Write letters, have interviews but camping on publicly supported university property should be illegal. There should be a curfew on protests from dusk to dawn; nothing at night. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is so right that we are a God loving country but it should not support these ridiculous protests that inconvenience people beyond their being on the sidewalks (opposite whatever is going on) with their signs. Flags larger than 30 cm x 30 cm should not be permitted unless they are flags of Canada and we have a lot including the First Nations flags, the provincial and territorial flags and the national flag. I read what you have to say; I just do not agree with you and that is what the Charter of Rights and Freedoms is about - the right to differ.  Hamas is the problem and they continue to be the problem; Hamas needs to get out of Gaza. They have had twenty years to aid the Palestinians; they have not. They only feather their own nest. The Palestinians are human beings and after three generations in one place they should have a successful prosperous country (the land is rich to grow crops) not a country still totally dependent on the hands outs in particular food from the United Nations which is the product of the labour of people around the world. All this death though is very saddening.

Time for exercise and breakfast. Latin next and then the work of the day begins.

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