Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Gardening today

Another gardening day today and probably for quite a few days. Must get the weeds pulled and then the fresh garden earth on the beds. Will look lovely I am sure. 

The month of May is one half through now and it has moved quickly. We looked at bedding plants yesterday and do need to buy them very soon. I think though that the large garden will be three rows of sunflowers and then lettuces/spinach three rows and two rows of green onions. Not much grows under the Black Walnut tree. Then the tomatoes and peppers off to the far side and back of the house. Cucumbers and herbs in two other spots. Then at the back of the garden carrots and beans. Sounds good and the work is ahead of us for sure. 

Moved two hosta plants yesterday and will see if they transplant well. Otherwise might buy two hosta plants. But their prior location was not very handy. Will move the rest of the earth to the front today and that will be finished. The lawn has filled in not too badly along the road edge. Need to weed the bricks along the side of the laneway. Never a dull moment for sure. Hard to believe I do not actually like gardening. That was always Edward's thing but I used to help him when he asked me. 

No work on the books I do not think today but that isn't surprising given that it is summer and more time outside than in.  

Breakfast and then latin and then outside into the fresh clean air for the moment - smoke is on the horizon apparently. The air quality is at 48 this morning and was just high 20s yesterday. 

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