Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Pincombe Newsletter today

 I will work on the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter today. A few ideas already so should not take too long to put it together. 

Moved a few more plants yesterday growing up in a hosta and gave them a new home on the other side of the yard. They are pretty and have journeyed from next door. Heavy rain yesterday will help to bring the clay and the black earth together ready for planting towards the end of the week when the rain stops! Some weeding to do; the weeds are certainly persistent and strong!

The rain for today is no more but it will be windy apparently and 31 degrees celsius. Friday might be a good planting day although Thursday also interesting. Time will tell. Have not yet found our bedding plants so that will be another quest in the week. 

Other than that the day has begun for me. God's gift of the world much appreciated. We try in the Western Hemisphere to be the God-loving, God-fearing people that God wanted us to be. It does show I think as we go through our daily lives. In numbers I would suspect the Roman Catholic Church has the largest following. My Anglican Church (Episcopal Church in the United States) is smaller in this Hemisphere as many of the adherents live in Africa and the United Kingdom of course so in the Eastern Hemisphere. Protestantism is very large in the United States. The Muslim faith is smaller here than in the Eastern Hemisphere but there are many large mosques here. 

Our job is really to live the faith and pass the faith on all the while living our lives. God remains the most remembered of all peoples in the history of mankind. We watched the Secrets of the Neanderthal yesterday and the information shared was quite fascinating. Our cousins as we share up to 3% of our DNA with Homo neanderthalensis. They lived for 300,000 years at least and the proposal that they died from Climate Change most fascinating. Presumably they were not responsible for the Climate Change that was their Achilles heel. Climate Change is our biggest problem but it is hard to get the guns to stop so that we can concentrate on that (Russia and Hamas (Iran) take note as you are the problems). 

Breakfast and then Latin. The day slightly different.

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