Thursday, May 23, 2024

Progress on the Pincombe-Pinkham Newsletter

 I will continue with the Newsletter today along with outside work. Today it looks like rain with air quality 43 (there is a lot of pollen in the air and perhaps some smoke although I can not smell any). However rain isn't showing on the forecast and I must admit it looks a little brighter out there so likely the cloud and sun as promised. 

The new pier to Gaza is working with aid going in but 1/3rd of it is being looted on its way to the UN warehouse. I wonder who is stealing it? Possibly Hamas as they only care about themselves. But none the less all of that food is going into Gaza which is important. It will increase likely unless the UN decides that they will not transport it. We will see. Presumably it would be impossible for Hamas to resell the food at this point in time to exchange it for weapons. The Canadian Press has an article saying that the Supreme Leader Khamenei of Iran met with Hamas leader Haniyeh presumably at the funeral for the Iranians who died in the helicopter crash earlier in the week. Apparently S L Khamenei says that elimination of Israel is still feasible and likely he ordered the shooting down of the Canadian plane in Tehran. How sick that man is to murder all those Canadians - children, women and men; how warped he is to say that this is a promise to them that only the Muslims (his brand of Islam) will survive in this world. What a sick minded person he is. Although I am not in favour of cheering when people die I can understand why Iranians around the world cheered the deaths this past week of these Iranians who died in the helicopter crash. Nazis once again in our world with their sick twisted minds.

My surgery date for cataract approaches. I must admit that I am starting to see the effect of the cataracts on my eyes. As my older sister said it comes on gradually so it is time to get that done for sure. It is mostly the effect of the sun on my eyes I think as my eyes still seem to be the same in subdued light. 

I shall keep a running commentary on my recovery. I can always talk to word as I had that set up when I tore my rotator cuff and couldn't type easily. 

Another beautiful day on God's earth enjoying His bountiful gifts to us. The spread of green trees increasing daily and I wonder if the end of the summer will see most of the sky covered by trees around me. All of this rain is definitely good for the trees after last year's dry summer. But it does block out the sun for the growing crops unfortunately. When we first moved here there were no trees around us and the garden was three times as big as it now is. Edward did love gardening; part of that was his father was a farmer and perhaps there was a section in his deep conscious that remembered his father taking him out to the barn and the fields with him every day of his life until his father's sudden death at 45 years of age (and Edward was two years and two months of age). The rewards to him of living a little of the life of his father was important to him both the gardening all of our married life until he couldn't garden and being treasurer at Orleans United Church for most of ten years. I always thought it was a good way to remember someone lost to you that you can not actually recall in your mind. 

Must get to scanning Edward's thesis and will do that as my eyes recover from the surgeries over the next couple of months. That is pretty easy work and once I can work with paper and not be concerned that it will be too dusty then I can get started. The thesis itself is a science thesis so not really long but packed with all sorts of interesting facts that have been repeated thousands of times probably now in other labs but his original work was cited long after he started to work at NRC in various journals around the world. That was a good feeling for him when my oldest daughter made him aware of all of his citations. Both my husband and and daughter with their PhDs. They had lovely conversations through the years and I would say that I can still  see disappointment in her eyes that he is not here when she comes home but that is love for sure. 

Thank you God for the beauty of the earth. Each day I pray that those who rip our world apart with their Nazi ways will see that they are wrong and bring us to peace once again - Russia out of Ukraine and Hamas out of Gaza. Then we can move forward in peace and solve Climate Change so that this world will be there for all the great great grandchildren to run on the beaches and swim in the waters of this wonderful world. They can hike in the great forests and hear the birds sing as I did as a child. I miss that enormous chorus of birds when one is out and about. I can hear them now but there just are not enough of them; they are dying. 

Breakfast time and then latin. I think for the moment my green tea is agitating me and will stick with my most favourite drink which is water for a bit!

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