Sunday, July 7, 2024

Another glorious Sunday

Sunday again thanks be to God and we are in the ordinary season of the Church Year with this being the 6th Sunday after Trinity and will be celebrated in my time at the Church House Chapel, London, England. The theme "When I am weak, I am strong." I will attend a little later this morning although the service has already been online for one hour due to the time difference. 

Discovered yesterday that the rats/mice may not yet be dead as the neighbour related the news when I mentioned that we were starting to enjoy the return of the wildlife to our feeders. Apparently they are poisoning the rats (quite understandable as they do have disease and one does not want them around young children and there are some children on their other side which concerns me I must admit). One does not like to see children injured. So no feed yesterday in the large open feeder. A disappointment to the squirrels and large birds that came to check out the food later in the day. We hadn't seen the rats/mice for such a long time (a couple of weeks) that we thought they were deceased or gone. I am seldom out in the yard mostly looking out my working room window. I did go out into the back portion of our yard and collect up the fallen branches. They need to be broken up or tied up in short bundles so that the garbage collectors will take them away. That will let me cut that portion shorter as well. Since there is a mice/rat problem in the area it is really necessary to keep all of that foliage very short as it does attract the rats/mice - that and excess bird feed and eating outside. All of those things are fun to do for sure but if you do not want rats or mice you have to be very proactive. Actually it is amazing to now see the birds so clearly and the squirrels.

I went out and cut the lawn to prevent anything hiding in any long grass. We keep the bushes around the house free of weeds but must clean up the fence line again as there are a lot of wild flowers next door that creep through the fence. I am noting that more comes through the wooden fence than the chain link because of the gaps in the wood. I am thinking that just replacing the wood fence with chain link would be better. The heavy foliage does rather invite rats and mice as they like to hide in them and wait for opportunities to grab food especially if people eat outside. So the need to keep a good clear area around the house is very important. But I acquired that knowledge from my husband who shared it with both neighbours as he watched the foliage grow up in both yards that adjoin us. Myself, I do not care what the neighbours grow as long as it stays out of my yard and then I do not actually say anything I just pull it out! Not a particularly confrontational person normally.

But I was surprised to see this nearly 79 year old cut that huge lawn on such a hot day! I guess I am recovering from my surgeries as I am still hale and hearty today. My daughter would cut it but the lilies are in full bloom on both sides and one of her stronger allergies for her asthma. So a few times during the summer I do cut the lawns. Good exercise! Perhaps I will do it next year again when I am nearly 80 although to be honest I hope to have moved by then. We need to start looking around for a more suitable house and property for this old woman. I would have a condo but my daughter likes to stay with me during her research term and garden. Breakfast and on to the day. 


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