Friday, July 26, 2024

I have moved ahead

 Moving has become a more concrete subject in my mind now as I have now started looking at possible places to move to and the quest begins. I sort of know what I want and where I want to live. Smaller for sure and although my carriage home is small relatively speaking it is spacious for a family of five with four bedrooms. The main floor can be a little cramped if all are adults but three children would be no problem at all - lots of room. The basement is partially finished and we have used it successfully all these years for playtime and TV watching although our TV is now in the living room. But that also means there is a lot of cleaning to do with three floors in use all the time. I would like to find either a single (does not appear to be in my price range) or a semi-detached. It must have a smaller yard although would like some yard. It needs to be in the Western end of Ottawa to be practical as I reach towards 79 years in the Fall. 

But I have made the first significant step in that regard. Funny that it was the birds that really started to turn my mind towards that. One really misses the birds when they are not coming to the feeders and that is a part of my day I am not willing to truly give up. The sight of the birds feeding at 6 a.m. is truly a delight as they go about their day. Teaching their little ones to feed at the feeder is a joy to behold. Managing their little ones around chipmunks truly an art in success. I did not actually know that a chipmunk will eat a small bird; too much knowledge sometimes can be alarming! But the joy of watching the birds progress along their path to migration back to the south in the late summer is incredible. The loss of that joy for even a couple of weeks while the rats/mice were tracked down and eliminated was just sad. So on to the future and I am organized now to move as it turns out; just have to find a place that works. 

I discovered I can only find one of Ed's talks thus far. There is some other material I can put up and probably will but I know I filmed more than one talk; I just can not find them. But I do have going through his files in my agenda. It was interesting though learning how to create a You-Tube channel and then add a film to it. My there is a lot of material out there; amazing really. We tend to watch a You-Tube presentation most evenings on wildlife - last night we viewed another in the series on Wildlife in the British Isles. Our eight trips to the British Isles over a period of sixteen years permitted glimpses of this wildlife although not to the degree that it is being enjoyed now. There is so much to see and the trip to the Orkney Islands was just a small part of that. Seeing the architectural wonders of the ancient world have been a treat not to be missed. But then all of my ancestry is from the British Isles and primarily five/six areas of England - I have expanded that to Herefordshire because of the Pencombe family although proving that is still in process but does seem to be a logical premise. My Scot connection to the Highlands with the Routledge family does appear to be well grounded and proven now by my cousin Thomas Routledge. The Irish connection is still tenuous and may never truly be proven although the book on the Charley/Churley/Chorley family does indicate an Irish heritage. 

Yesterday I gave thought to the Kipp Newsletter due on the 1st of August. It will likely be on time. My eyes are stronger in the morning now as I sit and type my blog. Gradually I am extending the time on the computer as I would like to be able to get back to doing my eight hours a day in the Fall but will build that gradually; there isn't a rush. Being one's own employer with regard to writing the books is a treat as I can mull away as much as needed during my work time. 

Hungry as always and breakfast will be next and then Latin. I am pleased with my progress in Latin. Concentrating solely on that during these two months of recovery from the cataract surgery was a really good idea as I could just sit and listen whilst my daughter typed away and not look at the screen in the beginning. The bright light is really a challenge at the start of the recovery period especially in the weaker eye surprisingly although the surgeon did mention to me I would notice the brightness. It would have been nice over these two months to have had more council but that is perhaps just an after thought and not of primary importance. A checkup by the surgeon at six weeks after the second surgery should be worked into the protocol I think but I will soon have my optometrist appointment. 

On to the day and may there be peace on earth. War is dreadful; attacking a country such as Hamas representing Gaza did when they attacked Israel was a sin beyond compare and the same for Russia attacking Ukraine also a sin beyond compare. No one has the right to attack free countries; we could all have a better life if that stops for ever and both of these groups Hamas/Hezbollah/the Houthis satanic agents of Iran and Russia would halt their aggression and troublemaking. Hamas/Hezbollah/the Houthis could remove themselves from the countries that they have infiltrated and Russia remove itself from Ukraine and the world could be a peaceful place at least in those two areas. Internal conflicts in countries may be with us a while longer until greed and envy disappear from our world.

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