Sunday, July 14, 2024

At the cottage

At the cottage for the weekend. Forgot my glasses. Very quiet in the mornings. Plus I sent that on my mobile phone hence all the errors now corrected. A lovely weekend in the sun and fresh air standing on the dock, going boating, walking a lot but no swimming because I am not supposed to for six weeks after surgery. That is pretty much the middle of August as I think two months is a reasonable sum to pay for the good eyesight that I have now obtained. The boat ride was great through and I quite enjoyed it. I loved boating as a child when we got to do that. Canoeing is nice too and kayaking but sitting back in a speed boat and whipping along is a whole other experience for sure. One of the dogs was also with us with her own life jacket on with a handle on the back to lift her out of the water if she happened to jump in which she did not. That was rather nice as she has a thick mat of curly hair and you can imagine how much water she would have shook off on us if she had!

The excitement though was before hand. The warning tire pressure light came on in our car not long before we were due to head to the cottage so I called CAA (I have a membership which is very much worth the cost I must say) to come and fill the tire that was down and had set off the light. Yes I know I can take it to the garage and do that myself but at 79 nearly I am happy to call CAA to do that for me. It happened early in February as well and is a fairly rare occurrence those being the first two times that I have ever called them since I was behind a truck that dropped sheet metal and did in the tires of most of the cars behind it (I escaped with just one tire being slashed that time) which was perhaps 35 years ago now. So the young man with the tow truck came and pumped up my tire so I said thank you and assumed he would go on his way but he decided to tell  me that it was probably my battery that was the problem and asked to test the battery. Since it wasn't costing me anything I let him test the battery which he then said was at 80%. I explained I had accidentally left my GPS on for two hours whilst the car was shut off two days earlier but he wanted to replace my battery (no labour cost he said) right then so I decided to pass on that. I called the dealership where I take my car for servicing and asked if they could replace my battery - knowing I am an old woman they asked why so I repeated the story to them and told them we were off to the cottage which was about 1.5 hours to drive on the highways. He said (having checked out my visit there to have the snow tires removed and radial tires put back on) just drive it and it will recharge and the light will go out and you will be fine. So I said great and see you in the Fall. He was right, drove there and the light went off. The car started when we returned home and here we are. I appreciate having CAA very much and did not mind the suggestion but likely I am going to check with my dealer as I want to have the battery they approve. Interesting story and the happy ending always appreciated. 

Discovered that an individual with a similar name (Bill Kipp) had died in Paris Ontario (my daughter mentioned it to me), the person who died was actually the father of the individual (100 years old) who wrote to me telling me he had information on the link between the two Kipp families - one in Paris and one in Princeton. I did not do any of that research and will not actually do any paper research and did let him know that. I do continue to manage the yDNA study since it links Edward's Kipp line with the Kip family of New Amsterdam/New York City. I mentioned that to the son and will pass on via the Kipp Newsletter his comment so that people could get in touch with him. Since one of the members of the Tillsonburg Kipp family tested as well (they descend from the Quaker John Kipp who was in Niagara and New York State before that) but I do not know for sure exactly how the Kipp family in Paris fits in. The ancient line from which they all descend has a fascinating story to go with it right back to the Ice Man of Lichenstein 3000 years old burial! 

Continuing with our downsizing as another bookcase will go out the door this week plus a big box to Salvation Army of breakable knick knacks that they can sell likely. I just have so much stuff that Edward bought when we visited the various place here in Canada, in the United States, the British Isles and Europe. None of it worth much money but all fun things and perhaps I will consider adding in details on where it was purchased just for interest. Will think about that. It does make items more interesting for sure. I do not have to identify myself; I can just say where it was purchased. 

I missed Church today. I do do that when we are with family; my family does comes first and I think God wants us to love our families and do the best we can to keep them in the faith. I have my way which may be different from how other people include God in their lives. 

A beautiful weekend in God's world with lots of sights and sounds of nature. 

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